
study notes & course projects

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a repository of my study notes on ML/DL/OS/Programming/Algorithms

Paper Notes

A Brief Introduction to Large Multilingual Langauge Models

Meta-Training in NLP

Slides on Multilingual GLM

Retrieval Models

NLP Notes

Machine Learning notes by myself


Decision Trees

Optimizers & Activation Functions


Word2Vec Derivatives

From Transformers to BERT - The Attention Mechanism

FM and FFM

Machine Learning Blog Posts by Others




Here are my course projects for NYU CSCI-UA.0472 Artificial Intelligence Fall 2019.

Here are my course projects for NYU CSCI-UA.0202 Operating Systems Fall 2020

Here are my solutions to the problem sets of Stanford CS224N Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Here are my solutions to the problem sets of Stanford CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs

Here are my solutions to the problem sets of Stanford CS246 Mining Massive Datasets