
log for golang on logger,support level and persional

Primary LanguageGo


log for golang on logger,support level and persional 在原生logger包的基础上改变而来 支持级别控制 默认基本为INFO,高级别自动显示低级别的日志,但是低级别的日志是不显示高级别的日志 修改日志在没有另外实例化的情况下,是影响设置后的代码显示,建议只在项目开始处进行配置


#Default the info is default info if you didn`t set . you could set the level as :

const (
	LvlCrit int32= iota


type data struct {
	A int
func TestLogger(t *testing.T){
	Error( "test" ,"why" , data{11})
	Warn( "warn" ,"why" , data{11})
	Info( "info" ,"why" , data{11})
	Debug( "debug" ,"why" , data{11})
	Trace( "trace" ,"why" , data{11})

	log := New( os.Stderr , Lshortfile |  LstdFlags  , "test	")

	log.Error( "test" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Warn( "warn" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Info( "info" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Debug( "debug" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Trace( "trace" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Debug( "debug" ,"why" , data{11})
	log.Trace( "trace" ,"why" , data{11})

base	error	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:11: test [why {11}]
base	warn	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:12: warn [why {11}]
base	info	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:13: info [why {11}]
base	debug	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:15: debug [why {11}]
test	error	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:20: test [why {11}]
test	warn	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:21: warn [why {11}]
test	info	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:22: info [why {11}]
test	debug	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:23: debug [why {11}]
test	debug	2018/09/17 15:28:25 logger_test.go:25: debug [why {11}]

as you see that didnt print debug and trace if you didnt set the level as trace of cause that didn`t print trace if you set level as debug