
Sample code for Lowell High School Lightning Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


One way to simulate lightning is with a random walk. In this assignment you will create a program that uses a random walk to seemingly shoot lightning from one side of the screen to the other every time the mouse is pressed. You may find the PowerPoint sides 142 to 170 of the apjava1.pptx presentation helpful. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Fork and clone down the repository. You should now have a Lightning folder in your apjava folder. Open the Lightning folder in Sublime.
  2. Click on Lightning.pde. You'll need to add some code At the top of the program, declare 4 int variables startX, startY, endX and endY. Initialize startX to 0, startY to 150, endX to 0 and endY to 150
  3. void setup() needs to set the strokeWeight() and background() of your applet
  4. void draw() needs to do two things:
    -set the stroke()color of the lightning bolt to some random value using Math.random()
    -a while loop that repeats the following until the endX is off the screen:
    1. set endX to startX plus a random integer from 0 to 9
    2. set endY to startY plus a random integer from -9 to 9
    3. draw a line() with endpoints startX,startY,endX,endY
    4. set startX to equal endX and startY to equal endY
  5. void mousePressed() needs to set startX,startY,endX,endY back to their original values.
  6. You will need to modify index.html to customize your website with it's own title, header and footer. When you are happy with your program, push your finished project up to GitHub
  7. The final step is to submit the URL for your website via the "drop box" for the assignment on School Loop. Don't hesitate to ask for help if your aren't sure how something is suppose to work.

Samples of Student Work
