a newly re-imagined boot2docker, based on Debian for stability and maintainability
- aanandNew York
- ailispawOrange County, CA
- amylindburg
- AndreyKostovDocker Inc.
- avinsonSan Francisco
- carolfhSan Francisco
- chanezon@Microsoft
- Chin2015
- cpuguy83@Microsoft
- deild@efluid
- donhcdSan Francisco, CA
- eemailme
- gmacario@SOLARMA
- gratuxriStuttgart
- jbarbierHolberton School
- jhcloos
- jlhawnAlameda, CA
- johncostaWEX, Inc.
- jsouthSan Francisco California
- keeb-zzDocker, Inc
- md5Southern California
- oddmachine
- rajat-dockerDocker
- rhoetsc@codecentric
- rogahaDocker, Inc
- rrarunanSeattle
- seanli@magiclabs
- stevvooeSan Francisco
- SvenDowideit@cryptoworkbench
- thaJeztahthaJeztah
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- u20024804
- zchee@gaudiy