
Fetching data from The New York Times Best Sellers API and send email

Primary LanguagePython

Fetching data from The New York Times Best Sellers API and send email

Basic Information

How to Run

  1. Open the terminal and clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/tianshufu/Code-Assessment---Data-Engineering.git
  1. Go the cloned directory and start the docker container
cd Code-Assessment---Data-Engineering
docker-compose up
  1. Wait for a file and open the browser and enter: http://localhost:8080/, username and password both are: airflow


  1. Go to the book_list_dag to click to run, the first run will pull the data and send the email


And we click run agian, it will not pull the data since the data has already been pulled:


File Structure

    book_lists_dag.py : Airflow DAG file for this assignment
    fetch_data.py : All the function code such as send email and unit test code, could use this file to do unit testing 
  /logs/ : All the Airflow logs
  .env : environment varaiable during containder run time 
  docker-compose.yaml : Docker configuration file 

Details of Implentation:

The dag should be designed in a way that it will just pull the list of a given week for no more than once. But the dag should still be scheduled as a daily job.

My Solution: I created a log file book_list_history.txt contians the success pulling history, before pulling, the program will read the log file and check if the specific date has been pulled before. If not pulled before, it will pull the data and wrtie to the log and send the email. If pulled before, if will not pull the data and wake duplicate_pull task.


  1. How to adjust email list?

Ans: Go the the book_lists_dag.py and update the email list:

def send_email(ti):
    book_list_str = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=[
    mail = Mail()
    mail.send(["tf2502@columbia.edu"], "The New York Times Best Sellers Book list update",book_list_str[0])
    return book_list_str

2.How to adjust the pulling book list?

Ans: Go the the book_lists_dag.py Add or remove in the list

def fetch_data():
    cr = Crawer(['Combined Print and E-Book Nonfiction',"Combined Print and E-Book Fiction"])
    res_str = cr.get_list_info()
    return res_str 
