
Flutter Smooth PageView indicators

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Customizable animated page indicator with a set of built-in effects.

MIT License stars pub version Buy Me A Coffee

infinite Loop support

Scrolling dots effect


Effect Preview
Worm style = WormStyle.thin
Worm style = WormStyle.underground
Worm style = WormStyle.thinUnderground
Expanding Dots
Jumping dot
Jumping dot with vertical offset
Scrolling Dots
Slide style = SlideStyle.slideUnder
Swap type = SwapType.yRotation
Color Transition
Customizable demo-1
Customizable demo-2
Customizable demo-3
Customizable demo-4


SmoothPageIndicator uses the PageController's scroll offset to animate the active dot.

   controller: controller,  // PageController  
   count:  6,  
   effect:  WormEffect(),  // your preferred effect  
   onDotClicked: (index){  

Usage without a PageController

Unlike SmoothPageIndicator , AnimatedSmoothIndicator is self animated and all it needs is the active index.

   activeIndex: yourActiveIndex,  
   count: 6,  
   effect: WormEffect(),  


You can customize direction, width, height, radius, spacing, paint style, color and more...

   controller: controller,  
   count:  6,  
   axisDirection: Axis.vertical,  
   effect:  SlideEffect(  
      spacing:  8.0,  
      radius:  4.0,  
      dotWidth:  24.0,  
      dotHeight:  16.0,  
      paintStyle:  PaintingStyle.stroke,  
      strokeWidth:  1.5,  
      dotColor:  Colors.grey,  
      activeDotColor:  Colors.indigo  

RTL Support

Smooth page indicator will inherit directionality from its ancestors unless you specify a directionality by passing it directly to the widget or wrapping the Indicator with a Directionality widget from the flutter package.

   controller: controller,  // PageController  
   count:  6,  
   // forcing the indicator to use a specific direction  
   textDirection: TextDirection.rtl  
   effect:  WormEffect(),  

Support the Library

You can support the library by liking it on pub, staring in on Github and reporting any bugs you encounter.