LSTM GRU with exact backpropagation derivation and implementation

Primary LanguagePython

If you want to cite our work, please cite

Tianyi Chen, Zhouyang Zhang, LSTM and GRU on Language Model, 10.13140/RG.2.2.22647.32163, 2016.


LSTM and GRU on Language Model

Authors: Tianyi Chen, Zhouyang Zhang

Johns Hopkins University

We implement the followings:

  • LSTM

  • GRU

  • GRU on reranker

Please let us know if there is trouble about running our code.

Run LSTM on Language Model

In src directory, run the following commands in terminal

python lm_LSTM

Run GRU on Language Model

In src directory, run the following commands in terminal

python lm_GRU

Run GRU on reranker

In src directory, run the following commands in terminal

python rerank_GRU > outputdir/filename

Description of files in Output directory

Output of GRU on reranker:

  • reranker_gru.out

Output of given reranker:

  • reranker_phi.out