🚨 The package is still undergoing development. 🚨
MCMTpy is a Python package designed for seismic source study. It provides functionality for focal mechanism inversion and source parameters analysis.
MCMTpy has mainly provided functions as:
- Focal mechanism inversion of the double couple source and moment tensor using improved Markov chain Monte Carlo method.
- A series of scripts is provided for source parameter calculation and conversion.
- Moment tensor decompose, Huston plot and Beachball with station projected.
and it has the features as:
- The package MCMTpy runs on Unix-like systems including Mac and Linux.
- It has a close integration with Obspy, pyfk and pyasdf.
- It can be done in parallel based on mpi4py.
- It's is efficient to do the seismological research based on python.
Detailed documentation can be found here.
If you use MCMTpy for your research and prepare publications, please citing MCMTpy:
- MCMTpy: A Python Package for Source Parameters Inversion Based on Cut-And-Paste Algorithm and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. In prep for Seismological Research Letter.
Quick Installation
Firstly, make sure Anaconda has been installed, then:
$ conda create -n MCMTpy python=3.8 numpy=1.16 matplotlib=3.1.1 mpi4py obspy pyasdf json5 tqdm $ conda activate MCMTpy $ pip install pyfk $ pip install MCMTpy
Some errors may occurred of that pyfk not support the new version of cysignals
, please:
$ conda uninstall cysignals $ pip install cysignals==1.10.2 $ pip install pyfk
Successful installation will generate an executable program MCMTpy
under the anaconda environment path:
/Users/user/opt/anaconda3/bin. And run following code to check the installation:
$ MCMTpy --help
Short Tutorial
MCMTpy stores all the parameter information in four JSON files: build_GFs.json, syn.json, sample.json and plot.json, and you can find those json-files in path ./MCMTpy-master/jsons/. For parameters choosing, please refer to Detailed tutorial. The steps to do inversion process are:
1. Calculate green function database:
$ MCMTpy build_GFs pyfk -c ./build_GFs.json $ mpirun -n 4 MCMTpy build_GFs pyfk -c ./build_GFs.json # parallel
2. Synthesize the test data:
$ MCMTpy syn pyfk -c ./syn.json
3. Inversion of focal mechanism:
$ MCMTpy sample MH -c ./sample.json $ mpirun -n 4 MCMTpy sample MH -c ./sample.json # parallel
4. Result visualization:
$ MCMTpy plot pyfk -c plot.json
MCMTpy is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license is provided in LICENSE.