
The Android application of NONo---The Next Generation of personal cloud Note platform.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

1. 什么是 NONo-Android?


# 2. NONo-Android 是怎么构建的? 整个APP其实是由事件流来驱动。


尽管NONo-Android 源码的整体架构在现在看来可能有一些落后,但我仍然希望能够帮助到你的学习。如果你能参与进来并进行重构和优化,我将感激不尽。

NONo-Android 基本架构

3. 你可以从这个开源项目得到什么:

NONo-Android 基本囊括了所有移动端常见的开发需求,而且还在不断成长!具体包括:

  • 富文本编辑器 仅仅基于 Android TextView 控件!这意味着你的APP将不需要再与chronium内核绑定在一块,这将使应用瘦身16MB
  • 列表控件包括复杂的交互:多选模式,长按菜单,左右滑动事件等,依赖于 RecycleView and Frecso
  • Http 请求,依赖于 RxAndroid and OKHttp
  • Android Sqlite 数据库操作,目前还没有引入ORM,但是你可以变成贡献者完善这一部分!
  • 大型APP的最佳开发实践,摆脱混乱的目录结构和代码冗余度极高的MVP范式,把所有操作都委托到事件流,依赖于 EventBus
  • 使应用具有完全的 Material Design 体验.它可以让程序员变身为设计师,依赖于 Google MD
  • 如果你参与到NONo-Android的维护,可以免费咨询和讨论开发NONo-Android过程中的任何问题和难点。

4. 成为下一个NONo-Android的源码贡献者!

如果你真的对NONo-Android感兴趣,并且想为其贡献代码,请邮件 联系我

如果你是个**开发者,请加入 QQ 群

# English Version # 1. What's NONo-Android? The Android application of NONo---The Next Generation of personal cloud Note platform.

You can download the apk from here to preview.

# 2. How To make the NONo-Android? The whole application is fully driven by event stream untill now.

All codes including a rich-text-editor module which is written by my good friend are free for anyone to use!Just let me know!

Although the architecture of the project may seem a bit outdated at the present,I still hope you can make some pull requests and fork it.

NONo-Android Architecture

3. You can Get!

NONo-Android includes All common mobile development needs and is growing quickly now!

  • Rich Text Editor fully based on Android TextView!It means the application don't need to be bound with chronium kernel-size about 16MB.
  • List component with loading image and complex interactive effect,powered by RecycleView and Frecso.
  • Http request,powered by RxAndroid and OKHttp.
  • Android Sqlite Operation,not based on ORM,but you can do it instead of me!
  • Best Practice of large scale Application,get out of messy Application and MVC model,delegate all operations to event stream,powered by EventBus.
  • Fully Material Design experience.It can make a pragrammer to be designer,powered by Google MD.
  • You can question me freely for all your doubts during developing NONo-Android.

4. Dare to be the next contributor!

If you are really insterested in this project,and want to be a contributor of it,just feel free to contact me and take part in it!

In the case that you are a chinese developer,I also make a QQ group for all conveninence.