
A custom library built to find users for your company!

Primary LanguageRuby

Customer Inviter Build Status

forthebadge forthebadge

This is an attempt to solve the given find the users within a given distance problem.


  • This Lib will basically receive and input file as its first argument and attemp to load in a group of users and then will try to filter based on each user location with the one we have defined as the base.
  • Since it wasn't requested for how the application should handle the response/output I ended up choosing via console.


  • You can use the console directly or the faser way by executing the actual ruby file and passing the input file as the first argument, as shown bellow:
$ ./bin/customer_inviter './samples/customers.txt'


$ bundle install

Running Specs

$ rake

Running CI

$ rake ci

Custom Dependencies

  • This library depends on a custom gem called https://github.com/tiarly/awesome_distance_calculator built just for this, to make easier for projects to calculate distances between two given locations.