
OCaml bindings for inotify.

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION

OCaml Inotify bindings

This package contains bindings for Linux's filesystem monitoring interface, inotify.


The bindings are available via OPAM:

$ opam install inotify

Alternatively, you can do it manually:

$ opam install lwt ounit fileutils
$ ./configure --enable-tests # --enable-lwt
$ make test install


Unix-style interface (findlib package inotify):

let inotify = Inotify.create () in
let watch   = Inotify.add_watch inotify "dir" [Inotify.S_Create] in
print_endline (Inotify.string_of_event (List.hd (Inotify.read inotify)))
(* watch=1 cookie=0 events=CREATE "file" *)

Lwt-style interface (findlib package inotify.lwt):

Lwt_main.run (
  let%lwt inotify = Lwt_inotify.create () in
  let%lwt watch   = Lwt_inotify.add_watch inotify "dir" [Inotify.S_Create] in
  let%lwt event   = Lwt_inotify.read inotify in
  Lwt_io.printl (Inotify.string_of_event event))
  (* watch=1 cookie=0 events=CREATE "file" *)

Note that Lwt-style interface returns events one-by-one, but the Unix-style one returns them in small batches.


The API documentation is available at GitHub pages.


LGPL 2.1 with linking exception