
Parse transform for generating properties modules that can be updated at runtime.

Primary LanguageErlang

Value Parsetransform

This parse transform to defined properties modules.

The generated modules will provide functions to get the current value of the defined properties.

Warning: This parse transform will completly discard the original code!.

Additionally the functions are also exported:

  • reload() load the properties from their source,
    only available if runtime code generation has not been disabled.

  • set(Key,Value), set({Key,Value}) set([{Key,Value}]) updates the config (specifically the application environment) only available if the first source is an application.

  • get(), get(Key) utility accessors for the configuration.

  • Key() accessor for the properties.


  • add -compile([{parse_transform,properties_pt}]) to your code.

  • add -property({Name,Default}) or -property(Name) for each property.

  • optionally add one (or more) to specify where to get the property values (checked in the order given) -source({application,App}). % use application:get_env(App,KEY) -source({file,File}). % uses proplists:lookup(KEY,element(2,file:consult(File))) -source({proplists,Props}). % uses proplists:lookup(KEY,Props) -source({static,Source}). % like -source(Source) but ONLY evaluated at compile time see properties_pt:value/2 for more details.

  • optionally any of the following options: -compile({properties_pt,[no_codegen]}). % disable the runtime codegeneration completely -compile({properties_pt,[no_onload]}). % disable the on_load hook completly -compile({properties_pt,[static]}). % evaluate all sources at compile time (will still be re-evaluated during reload)


  • For compile time properties (suitable for config files) -compile({properties_pt,[no_codegen,static]}).

  • For precompiled defaults and updating at runtime (suitable for config files) -compile({properties_pt,[static,no_onload]).

  • For runtime only properties (suitable for application properties and) -compile({properties_pt,[no_codegen]).


If runtime code generation is enabled (default) then properties_pt must be on the runtime code path, as must the Syntax_Tools and Compiler applications.

If static is used application properties will likely be wrong, no attempt is made to load the required application(s).


Allow more complicated sources; particularly to consult functions, and select nested properties.