
Download imgur albums, optionally discovering more albums in image descriptions

Primary LanguagePython


Download imgur albums, optionally discovering more albums in image descriptions

How to use

  1. Use pip to install ImgurDownloader (pip install ImgurDownloader)
  2. Run imgur http://imgur.com/a/Something path/to/some/folder
  3. If you want to recursively download albums (it discovers new albums in the description of images), run: imgur --recursive http://imgur.com/a/Something path/to/some/folder

How to use (in development mode)

  1. Install virtualenv
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Activate in virtualenv (pip install -e path/to/clone)
  4. <virtualenv>/bin/imgur --recursive -v http://imgur.com/a/Z0lda path/to/some/folder

Why another downloader?

The existing album downloader had a few problems:

  • It didn't grab the highest resolution of images.
  • It didn't save titles or descriptions of images
  • It didn't try to find other albums in the description of images


This app uses the Imgur.com developers API, so you'll need an imgur.com account to create a new application and generate a new clientid for your app. After that, you'll have to write the clientid in the configuration file, which is automatically generated for you when you first run the app, at ~/.config/imgurdownloader/settings.conf