
A collaborative list of awesome SwiftUI resources. Feel free to contribute!

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Awesome SwiftUI

Platform Commits PRs

  1. SwiftUI on Apple Developer Documentation

    πŸ“Ή Keynote WWDC 2019 - First announcement of SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή Platforms State of the Union 2019 - More SwiftUI

    πŸ“– Apple Developer Tutorial on SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Essentials WWDC Video

    πŸ“Ή Building Custom Views with SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή Integrating SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή Data Flow Through SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή Mastering Xcode Previews

    πŸ“Ή Accessibility in SwiftUI

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI On All Devices

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI on watchOS

  2. Paul Hudson on Hacking With Swift

    πŸ“– First look at SwiftUI

    πŸ“– Getting Started with SwiftUI

    πŸ“– Quick Start Guide on SwiftUI by Hacking With Swift

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI by Example Videos

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Complete Apps

    πŸ“– Learn SwiftUI with Tutorials

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI vs UIKit – Comparison of building the same app in each framework

    πŸ“Ή Differences between @State, @ObjectBinding, and @EnvironmentObject?

  3. SwiftUI Tutorials by Lets Build That App

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Sneak Preview Demo Project

    πŸ“Ή How to Run SwiftUI on Mojave with Playgrounds and Sample Code

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Basics: Dynamic Lists, HStack VStack, Images with Circle Clipped Stroke Overlays

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI: Facebook Complex Layouts - Horizontal Scroll View

    πŸ“Ή State Management and Bindings

    πŸ“Ή Fetching JSON and Image Data with BindableObject

  4. SwiftUI by John Sundell

    πŸ“– A first look at SwiftUI: Apple’s declarative new UI framework

    πŸ“– Answers to the most common questions about SwiftUI

    πŸ“– SwiftUI’s relationship to UIKit and AppKit

  5. SwiftUI Tutorials by Code With Chris

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Basics Tutorial

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI App Tutorial - Lists, Navigation and JSON Data

    πŸ“Ή How To Handle User Input

    πŸ“Ή Understand SwiftUI, Property Wrapper, @State, @EnvironmentObject & More

  6. SwiftUI Tutorials by Kilo Loco

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Presenting Data In A Scroll View & List

    πŸ“Ή Intro To SwiftUI: Simple State Management

    πŸ“Ή Before You Learn SwiftUI, You Need To Hear This...

    πŸ“Ή Using Both UIKit And SwiftUI In Your Project

  7. SwiftUI by Rebeloper

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI = Mind-blow | WWDC iOS developer reaction


    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Modifiers in UIKit with @discardableResult

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Visual Debugging in UIKit

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI in UIKit? Yes! Meet DuckUI

  8. πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Beginner Tutorial On iOS 13 by Devslopes

  9. SwiftUI by Brian Advent

    πŸ“Ή Simple SwiftUI App

    πŸ“Ή Complex UI with SwiftUI from Start to Finish

  10. πŸ’» An example to-do list app using SwiftUI

  11. πŸ“– Inside SwiftUI's Declarative Syntax's Compiler Magic

  12. πŸ’» All of the Apple documented SwiftUI tutorials in one easy download

  13. πŸ“Ή Live Coding SwiftUI by Swiftly Tilting Planet

  14. SwiftUI by Maxcodes

    πŸ“Ή What is SwiftUI?

    πŸ“Ή How To Create Views, Text and Stacks

    πŸ“Ή Creating NavigationView, List, Text, NavigationBarTitle

    πŸ“Ή Draw Shapes in SwiftUI with Path, addLine, CGPoint, LinearGradient

  15. πŸ“– SwiftUI Cheat Sheet

  16. SwiftUI by Gary Tokman

    πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Tutorial - Build a list that fetches JSON!

  17. πŸ’» SwiftUI Currency Converter App

  18. πŸ“Ή SwiftUI Collection by Objc.io

  19. πŸ“– SwiftUI and Combine - A collection of notes, project pieces, playgrounds & ideas on learning

  20. πŸ’» SwiftUI Todo App

  21. πŸ’» SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API. With a custom Flux (Redux) implementation

  22. πŸ’» A Weather app in SwiftUI

  23. πŸ’» A 2048 game writing with SwiftUI

  24. πŸ“Ή πŸ“– A First Look at SwiftUI by ObjC.io - Chris Eidhof and Florial Kugler

  25. πŸ“– Building BarChart in SwiftUI by Majid Jabrayilov

  26. πŸ“– SwiftUI: Getting Started By RayWenderlich

  27. πŸ“– Fucking SwiftUI:A curated list of questions and answers about SwiftUI

  28. πŸ“– SwiftUIHub:Resources for swiftUI