
Interpreter for Stutsk programming language

Primary LanguageC++

Stutsk is a general-purpose concatenative programming language. It is similar to FORTH and Postscript in syntax, similar to Lisp in philosophy and similar to PHP in lexicon and semantics.

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Author: Tibor Djurica Potpara tibor.djurica@ojdip.net


How to build:

If all prerequisites are satisfied, stutsk can be built with



As stutsk consists of a single executable file, it can be installed simply by copying the executable to a directory included in PATH


Basic usage:

stutsk <input_file>

As lines beginning with # are line comments in stutsk, you can also use shebangs in your scripts.

"Hello world" print

See source files for function reference.

Code examples:

Because code tells more than 1000 words of description, here's a motivating example

Obligatory example:

"Hello world" print 

Recursive factorial:

  $n = 
  $n 1 == { 1 } { $n $n 1 - recurse * } ifelse      
} "factorial" function

5 factorial print # Prints 120

Calculate 100 digits of Pi (deliberatly obfuscated):


126 chr dup dup . { $c global 10 $c 1 + *
3 div } swp function { dup 0 > { 2 * 1 + }
{ dmp 10 } ifelse } swp function { $i static
$i is_def ! { 0 $i = } if $i ++ $i 1 == {
dmp exit 12 } if $i 3 == { 46 chr print } if
print 1 dmp } 92 chr function 124 { { repeat
} inherit 0 } swp chr function { { $s $i }
inherit } swp $c = 4 swp 35 chr function 1 .

( ~~ 1 - { 2 } | 2 + ) $r
= ( ~~ 1 - { 0 } | ) $s =
0 $r ~~ 1 - [] $s ~~ 1 -
[] = 0 $n = $p = $c 1 +
{ ~~ 2 - $i = ~~ 1 - { $i
1 + # 1 + [] @ $i 1 + ~
div * $r $i [] 10 * + #
[] = # [] @ $i ~ % $r $i
[] = $i -- } | $s swp []
@ 0 ~ div $q = $q 9 == {
$n ++ } { $q 10 == { $p 1
+ \ $n { 0 \ } | $n = 0
$p = } { $p \ $q $p = $n
0 != { $n { 9 \ } | $n =
} if } ifelse } ifelse }
