
Useful defaults and structure for Craft CMS

Primary LanguageCSS

Craft starter package

I've put together a small set of defaults to kickstart the development of a new Craft CMS project.


  • Ready to version control: files that need not to be in GIT are excluded
  • Database config is extracted to the web/env.php file
  • The index.php is also modified to require the environment file
  • Schematic plugin is a very useful plugin to import / export your Craft field / section settings to a YAML file and add it to GIT. Saves tons of time and reduces the possibilities of bugs. The package name is added to the composer.json file, just type composer install.


  • /static folder contains a Gulp setup that compiles SASS + JS to a minified version. It helps the kickstart of a new project's frontend side, but it's undrelated to Craft. Feel free to delete it.
  • /temp folder is just my convention to store client assets there, they ignored by GIT
  • /web is where you should copy the Craft installation

Getting started

Step 1

Download the Craft CMS package from https://craftcms.com/ and copy everything from the zip to the web directory.

Delete Craft's public/index.php and use the _index.php instead.


alternatively simply copy and paste this to the beginning of the index.php file:

if ( file_exists("../env.php") )
	require_once '../env.php';
	exit('<h1>Fatal error: no database environment file found!</h1><p>Please check the readme.md for instructions.<p>');

Step 2

Rename web/craft/config/_db.php to db.php. Modify it to your taste.

Step 3

Rename web/_env.php to env.php and set the correct credentials.

You are all set, proceed with installing Craft as usual

Follow me on Twitter: @tiborsaas