
Primary LanguageJavaScript

VLC Sync

This is a very basic implementation of syncing VLC instances over the internet.

This weird setup was created to be able to watch stuff together during the COVID lockdown remotely.

The basic idea

  1. VLC has a web interface for remote control
  2. Create a Chrome extension to control the web interface
  3. Sync browsers via a WebSocket server
  4. Profit

How to get started

Set up the server

On the host your choice start server.js. I recommend using https://pm2.keymetrics.io/ to manage the Node process.

Setup the local environment

  1. Follow this guide to enable the web interface: https://github.com/azrafe7/vlc4youtube/blob/master/instructions/how-to-enable-vlc-web-interface.md
  2. In chrome-extension/src/inject/inject.js change the SERVER_URL to the endpoint you created in the previous section
  3. Install the Extension from the chrome-extension directory
  4. If everything went well, you should see a panel inserted to the bottom of the web control interface
  5. Pick a random room name and it should be all good

Good luck!

Word of warning

This project is unfinished and as I recall, there are some bugs, but it should give you and idea how a system like this could be achieved.

Available support is limited in scope and time.