
Translations for Buckets, the privacy-friendly family budgeting app.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is the repository of translations for the Buckets budgeting app. Some languages are officially supported, but contributions for other languages are very welcome.

Current language support

Complete Language
97% Deutsch
100% English
48% Español
89% Eesti
86% Français
1% עִברִית
58% Magyar
77% Italiano
99% Norsk
89% Nederlands
89% Polski
91% Português
5% Română
98% Svenska
10% Türkçe

How to contribute

  1. Look for your language in /langs.

  2. If your language isn't there:

    1. Click the Create new file button.
    2. Copy the contents of /langs/en.tsx into the new file
    3. Name your file according to the 2-letter 639-1 code listed here with .tsx at the end (e.g. en.tsx for English)
  3. Edit the language file. For each item:

    1. Translate the val: ... part
    2. Change translated: false to translated: true
    3. Look at any comments of this format: /*! This is a comment for the translator */
    4. If there isn't enough context for you to translate it accurately (e.g. "Is this a noun?" or "What noun does this adjective refer to so its gender can agree?") email me or file an issue.
  4. Submit a pull request (even if you only translate a few things).

  5. Optionally, subscribe here to be notified when there's more to translate.

If you're familiar with GitHub or you prefer, you can also fork this repo, clone it and edit the file on your computer. All I'm really looking for is a Pull Request.