
This is an implementation of the floodfill algorithm for fire event detection as described in Archibald & Roy 2009. For docs see:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




This is an implementation of the floodfill algorithm for fire event detection as described in:

Archibald, Sally & Roy, David. (2009).
Identifying individual fires from satellite-derived burned area data.
III-160 . 10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417974.


To install this python package you need to download the repository, navigate to the root folder of it and install it using the setup.py:

python setup.py install


The program can be executed as a python module:

python -m floodfill -h

The program provides some command line parameters that let you define its behavior. The -h flag will give you an overview over the options and how to use it.

A simple test run can be done like this:

mkdir output
python -m floodfill --input=tests/test_data.tif --output-folder=output -b


If you have several files to process (in recursive mode), you can parallelize processing by setting --n-workers to a value that suits your number of cores (if you specify a higher number of workers than you have cores, the program will automatically take the maximum number of cores available).

mkdir output
python -m floodfill --input=tests/test_data.tif\