
Term paper of "Distribuited Systems & Cloud Computing" class (A.Y. 2020/2021)

Primary LanguageGo


comuniGO is a gRPC based P2P application developed in GO that supports both totally and causally ordered message delivery.

In the figure below L. Lamport, one of the main actors in Distribuited Systems field, S. Hykes, a co-founder of Docker.inc, and K. Thompson, a co-designer of GO programming language, communicate with each other using comuniGO

Demo of comuniGO

Building of components

The application is based on three different components:

  1. The peer with whom you can interact via the web and internally uses gRPC to exchange messages with others
  2. The registration service with which you can sign yourself and receive the peer list
  3. The sequencer service necessary to implement the centralized totally ordered algorithm

So, thanks to the builder script it is possible to discriminate in fine grain what to build, in particular:

  • You can use -p flag to build peer image
  • You can use -r flag to build registration service image
  • You can use -s flag to build sequencer image

as you can see running bash builder.bash -h

Installation and configuration

Before building and running the application, you can edit the configuration file to specify some environmental configuration settings.

After that you can use startup script to effectively startup peers and other components of the architecture.

As you can see running bash startup -h there are a few options that permits you to further configure your experience with comuniGO, for example:

  • You have to use -n flag to set the number of peers to spawn
  • You have to use -t flag to set the algorithm to use (sequencer, scalar or vectorial)
  • You can use -v flag to enable verbose output on javascript console of your browser to see details of sent and/or received messages
  • You can use -a flag to enable attach mode in docker-compose up


To test appplication simply:

  1. Run the startup script as described above specifing which algorithm do you want to test
  2. Run the testing script specifing:
    • The type of service to test (sequencer, scalar or vectorial), using -t flag
    • The modality of the test (single or multiple), Using -m flag
  3. Finally, once collected results, you should shutdown components running sh shutdown.sh


To use application simply follow one of this approach:

  • Run discovery script to get links for peers' frontend
  • Clone this repository and follow instructions inside the README file to achieve the same result

Enjoy comunication using comuniGO app and finally shutdown components running sh shutdown.sh


The project report is already available in the repository root (file: comunigo.pdf).

Anyway if you want to compile it again, first you need to cd into documentation folder and then run whatever tool you want for compiling .tex files (e.g. pdflatex, latexmk, ...)

For instance:

  • Using latexmk you can run latexmk -pdf -silent comunigo.tex
  • Using pdflatex you can run pdflatex comunigo.tex && pdflatex comunigo.tex (twice for the resolution of references in the document)