
A command-line desktop client for Google Tasks.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Tasky is a command-line interface to Google's Tasks API. It is meant to parallel the functionality of Todo.txt.


Requires Python 2.7 and the Google API client for Python. The needed packages are installable from PyPi and are in the requirements.txt file. Use pip install -r requirements.txt to install them.

NOTE: In order to allow your instance of Tasky to successfully make Tasks API calls, you must first register your project with Google. Instructions are provided below.

NOTE: The script will create a ~/.tasky/keys.txt file that persists your API credentials on disk. Take care not to commit this data into any public repositories. You are responsible for securing your keys!


Connecting to the Tasks API

  1. Go to https://cloud.google.com/console/project
  2. Create a project.
  3. Enable the Tasks API (disable everything else).
  4. Go to the credentials screen.
  5. Click the "Create new Key" button under the Public API access section.
  6. Generate a browser key and leave the URL restriction blank.
  7. Click the "Generate new Client ID" under Oauth.
  8. Select "Installed application -> Other"
  9. Make sure you've chosen product name and email adress under the "Consent screen".
  10. Run ./tasky.py and enter the clientID, client secret and API key.


Many Todo.txt users rename the script to simply 't'. I recommend something similar; however, for clarity's sake I will refer to the script as 'tasky' for this documentation.

  ln -s /dir/for/tasky.py /folder/in/$PATH/tasky

Usage Examples

List (l):

  • Lists the tasks of the specified list, which defaults to 0.
  • The -s flag will print a summary of your task lists.
  • The -l flag is universal and comes before arguments.
  • The -a flag will print all lists and their tasks.
  tasky l
  # jrupac's list
  #    0 [ ] Buy birthday card
  #    1 [x] TPS Reports
  #    2 [ ] Groceries
  #      3 [ ] Eggs
  #      4 [ ] Bread
  #      5 [ ] Milk
  tasky l -s
  # 0 jrupac's list ( 7 )
  # 1 Movies ( 70 )
  # 2 Testing ( 0 )
  # 3 Mobile ( 0 )
  tasky -l 2 l
  # Testing (empty)
  tasky l -a
  # -- long list of all tasks in all lists --

New List (n):

  • Creates a new task list or (-r) renames an old one.
  tasky n "My New List"
  tasky -l 2 n -r "New Name"
  # Renaming task list...
  # 0 jrupac's list ( 7 )
  # 1 Movies ( 70 )
  # 2 New Name ( 0 )
  # 3 Mobile ( 0 )
  # 4 My New List ( 0 )

Delete List (d):

  • Deletes a task list.

Adding a task (a):

  • tasky a [--help/-h] [--parent/-p int] [--date/-d "MM/DD/YYYY"] [--note/-n "string"] title*
  • NOTE: flags must be before the task's title this means that multiple tasks must share the same flags
  tasky a Groceries
  tasky a "TPS Reports" "Buy birthday card"
  tasky a -p 2 Eggs Bread Milk "Pasta sauce"
  tasky a -d "5/14/11" -n "This is a note." "Name of task."

Toggling/removing a task and its children (r):

  • tasky t index*
  • tasky r index*
  tasky t 2 6 7
  tasky r 6 7
  # Removing task...
  # jrupac's list
  #    0 [ ] Buy birthday card
  #    1 [ ] TPS Reports
  #    2 [x] Groceries
  #      3 [x] Pasta sauce
  #      4 [x] Milk
  #      5 [x] Bread

Clearing tasks (c):

  • tasky c
    • clears completed tasks for specified list
  • tasky c -a
    • clears all tasks for specified list, completed or not

Editing tasks (e):

  • Edits the title, date, or note of a task
  tasky e 0 -t "Buy Dad's birthday card" -n "Get him a gift card?"
  # Editing task...
  # jrupac's list
  #    0 [ ] Buy Dad's birthday card
  #      Notes: Get him a gift card?
  #    1 [ ] TPS Reports
  #    2 [x] Groceries
  #      3 [x] Pasta sauce
  #      4 [x] Milk
  #      5 [x] Bread

Moving tasks (m):

  • Move tasks to a different parent or position.
  • The -a/--after tag moves the task after the given index.
  • The -p/--parent task allows you to give a task a new parent.
  • NOTE: The immediate feedback display is still under development...
  tasky m 2 -a 0
  # jrupac's list
  #    0 [ ] Buy Dad's birthday card
  #      Notes: Get him a gift card?
  #    1 [x] Groceries
  #      2 [x] Pasta sauce
  #      3 [x] Milk
  #      4 [x] Bread
  #    5 [ ] TPS Reports
  tasky m 3 -p 5
  # jrupac's list
  #    0 [ ] Buy Dad's birthday card
  #      Notes: Get him a gift card?
  #    1 [x] Groceries
  #      2 [x] Pasta sauce
  #      3 [x] Bread
  #    4 [ ] TPS Reports
  #      5 [x] Milk


The script currently does very little error catching and still has a few bugs. Please feel free to list bugs or feature requests on this github page in the issues section. This script was originally created by Ajay Roopakalu, and is under the GNU GPL license.