
A project given to new candidates to get a feel for how we would work together

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This repository is given to new candidates to get a feel for how we would work together.

The repository contains two projects: test-one, and test-two.

The projects use the following technologies:

  • NodeJS
  • NPM - package manager
  • Babel - to transpile ES6 to ES5
  • Mocha - a test runner
  • Chai - an assertion engine
  • Sinon - a mocking framework

Please fork this repository, commit as necessary, create a pull request for us to review, and send an email to let us know that you have finished.

The details of both challenges follow, along with step by step instructions to get up and running once you have a local clone of the repository. Good luck : )

Test One

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print 'Boss' instead of the number and for the multiples of five print 'Hog'. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print 'BossHog'.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the latest version of node installed. Visit the nodeJS website and download the latest install package (the package manages upgrades too).

Open a console window/tab to the 'test-one' project directory and run the following commands...

Download project dependencies.

npm update

Transpile code from src folder to lib folder

npm run compile

Run unit tests

npm test

and finally start the program

npm run go

Note that you can use the following command to compile, test and run the program every time you save a file (instead of running the above three commands every time you want to test your changes)

npm start

Now when you change code in the project src folder, nodemon will re-transpile, re-run unit tests, and re-start the program. See for yourself, go ahead and try changing the value of the message variable in test-one/src/index.js.

Test Two

Currently, the 'test two' project makes requests to the GitHub API and outputs the first page of users belonging to Uber's GitHub organisation. What we'd really like to see is a list of repositories for each user, for all Uber GitHub users.

Just to clarify, by the time you've completed the challenge, the program...

  • should output all Uber GitHub users
  • should output all repositories for each user

Note that the GitHub API limits requests, and you will definitely reach the anonymous request limit while implementing this solution. To overcome this limit you will need to generate an OAuth key in your GitHub account's developer settings, and paste the key into the gitHubApiAuthToken constant in test-two/src/index.js

Getting Started

Make sure you have the latest version of node installed. Visit the nodeJS website and download the latest install package (the package manages upgrades too).

Open a console window/tab to the 'test-two' project directory and run the following commands...

Download project dependencies.

npm update

Transpile code from src folder to lib folder

npm run compile

Run unit tests

npm test

and finally start the program

npm run go

Note that you can use the following command to compile, test and run the program every time you save a file (instead of running the above three commands every time you want to test your changes)

npm start

Now when you change code in the project src folder, nodemon will re-transpile, re-run unit tests, and re-start the program. See for yourself, go ahead and try changing test-two/src/index.js.