
Plugin for Bukkit (Minecraft) server to allow players to vote for day/night/etc - focusing on ease of use & gameplay aspects. Original plugin author: xupwup.

Primary LanguageJava

Many thanks to xupwup for his original work on this great Craftbukkit plugin.

Added basic option which allows "sleeping in bed" to trigger a vote for day to start
Bedvote now checks for a vote in progress and votes yes if there is.
Basic multiworld support for voting (permatime is still just world 0)
Multiworld support now only counts people in the current world as relevant for a vote
Added itemVote (hit item X with item Y in hand to vote yes/no for day/night)
Added lightvote-nocommands (disables /lvt start and /lvt yes/no to use only itemVote or bedVote)

Version 1.67
* Vote message should be sent only to applicable world
* Fixed vote start message to advise /lvt help when using lightvote-nocommands
* Fixed count error in yes/no vote count

Version 1.68
* Added option to disable itemVote.
* Fixed bug where players could change day vote to night vote.

Allow a vote style similar to bedvote for voting for daytime
Multiworld support

Version 1.71t by Tickleman
* Enable in-game translated texts
* Choose translation language into LightVote.conf using "language fr" (replace fr by your language)
* Added translation file fr.lang.Txt (replace fr by your language and create a new one)

Version 1.80t by Tickleman
* Vote for sun