
JavaScript client for Musikki's Music API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Musikki Music API

JavaScript client for Musikki's Music API



First, include this module and create an instance:

$ npm install musikki
const Musikki = require('musikki');
let musikki = new Musikki({ appid: yourAppID, appkey: yourAppKey });

This implementation abstracts Music API's endpoints and methods with a familiar javascript chaining syntax:

musikki.endpoint(mkid).method(filter, paging);

All parameters are optional or required, depending on the specific endpoint and method called (see API documentation for more information)

endpoint — A Music API endpoint, like artist or video

method — A Music API endpoint method, like search or info

mkid — Musikki ID of a specific resource

filter — An object containing the filter parameters specific to the given method

paging — An object containing the pagination options (page number and results limit)

To find all artists that match a given name

musikki.artists().search({ 'artist-name': 'slowdive' })
musikki.artists().search({ 'artist-name': 'the' }, { limit: 100, page: 10 })

To obtain info about a given artist


Different casing styles for method parameters

Method parameter (filter) names are automatically transformed (using lodash.kebabCase) to the correct format used by the music API so you can pick any style that fits your code best.

musikki.artists().search({ artistName: 'morbid angel', label_name: 'earache' })

Handling errors

Any error the library encounters during usage will be wrapped and passed in a rejected promise so you can .catch it.

{ status: 400, message: 'Bad Request', payload: { error: { message: 'invalid query!', detail: [Object] } } }