
OpenAI Gym with custom SpaceX Rocket Lander environment for box2d

Primary LanguagePython


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RL algorithm and working model: https://github.com/EmbersArc/PPO

OpenAI Gym with custom SpaceX Rocket Lander environment for box2d

/envs/box2d/rocket_lander.py is the only important file, along with some small changes to init files, see https://github.com/openai/gym#environments

The objective of this environment is to land a rocket on a ship. The environment is highly customizable and takes discrete or continuous inputs.


The state consists of the following variables:

  • x position
  • y position
  • angle
  • first leg ground contact indicator
  • second leg ground contact indicator
  • throttle
  • engine gimbal

If VEL_STATE is set to true, the velocities are included:

  • x velocity
  • y velocity
  • angular velocity

All state variables are normalized for improved training.


Discrete control inputs are:

  • gimbal left
  • gimbal right
  • throttle up
  • throttle down
  • use first control thruster
  • use second control thruster
  • no action

Continuous control inputs are:

  • gimbal (left/right)
  • throttle (up/down)
  • control thruster (left/right)