
世纪互联版 Heroku-AriaNG。Heroku-AriaNG-21vianet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Heroku-AriaNG-21vianet. Heroku-AriaNG 世纪互联版

Build AriaNG on Heroku, and upload to cloud drive when the file download completed.
在 Heroku 上搭建 AriaNG ,并在文件下载完成后上传至网盘。

Using Rclone with 21vianet mod and Aria2, even UNRAR online flexibly? Try this Heroku Rclone 21vianet
想更灵活的使用 Aria2、Rclone,甚至是 RAR 在线解压?试试这个 Heroku Rclone 世纪互联版

Abuse Warning 滥用警告

Heroku are actively banning this APP now.

Your account will be SUSPENDED in highly possible.

This APP is no longer updated.

Catalog 目录

Improvement 改进

  1. Rclone with 21vianet patch and Gclone mod. 融合了世纪互联补丁和 Gclone 模组的 Rclone。
  2. Support mount double cloud drive. 支持双网盘挂载同步。
  3. Improve performance of the built-in Aria2c and Rclone. 大幅提升内置 Aria2c 和 Rclone 性能。
  4. Unpack(Beta) ZIP/RAR/7Z with password or sub-volume. 解压分卷或带密码的压缩包(测试)。
  5. Fix some little issues in fork source. 修复项目源的一些其他小问题。

Deploy by Docker (Recommend)

FAQ: Do I have to use Docker?

Requirement 要求

Steps 步骤

  1. Run heroku login to login, then heroku container:login too.
  2. Clone this repository and enter it. (PS: Please run git config --global core.autocrlf false before git clone if you are using Windows.)
  3. Run heroku apps:create APP_NAME to create it.
  4. Run heroku config:set -a APP_NAME ARIA2C_SECRET=ARIA2_SECRET and heroku config:set -a APP_NAME HEROKU_APP_NAME=APP_NAME.
  5. Run heroku container:push web -a APP_NAME and heroku container:release web -a APP_NAME.
  6. Run heroku open -a APP_NAME and it will open your browser to deployed instance.

Deploy by One-Click

Pay attention please: deploy by One-Click uses the Heroku built-in environment, that means your account might banned immediately.

请注意:一键部署使用 Heroku 内置环境,可能会导致立即被封号


Optional: Connect Cloud Drive 连接网盘

  1. Setup Rclone by following Rclone Docs, Chinese users can setup with 21vianet patch to connect OneDrive by 21vianet.
    You can find your config from there:
Windows: %userprofile%\.config\rclone\rclone.conf
Linux: $HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

Optional: Using service account setup with Gclone to break Google Drive 750GB limit, or easier connect to folder or Team Drive by destination ID. First, open your rclone config and edit service_account_file_path = /app/accounts/ as the SA json paths.

  • Deploy by Docker: Create a new folder in your local repository root path after git clone, such as /accounts/, copy your SA json in it.
  • Deploy by One-Click: Fork this repository, and create a new folder in your forked repository, such as /accounts/, upload your SA json in it.
  1. Your rclone.conf file, it should look like this:
client_id = WHATEVER
client_secret = WHATEVER
scope = WHATEVER
china_version = WHATEVER
token = WHATEVER

client_id = WHATEVER
client_secret = WHATEVER
scope = WHATEVER
china_version = WHATEVER
token = WHATEVER

others entries...
  1. Set Rclone Config: Find the drive you want to use, and copy its [DRIVENAME A] ... to ... token = ... section, and replace all linebreaks with \n, and copy this TEXT.
  • Deploy by Docker: Run heroku config:set -a APP_NAME RCLONE_CONFIG=THAT_TEXT.
  • Deploy by One-Click: Set THAT_TEXT in the RCLONE_CONFIG blank.
  1. Set Rclone Upload Destination: [DRIVENAME A]:[REMOVE PATH A] means upload to [REMOVE PATH A] in [DRIVENAME A]. [DRIVENAME A] is the drive friendly name in rclone config, [REMOVE PATH A] is a remote path.
  • Deploying by Docker: Run heroku config:set -a APP_NAME RCLONE_DESTINATION=[DRIVENAME A]:[REMOVE PATH A].
  • Deploying by One-Click: Set [DRIVENAME A]:[REMOVE PATH A] in the RCLONE_DESTINATION blank.
  1. If you mount a second cloud drive, Set RCLONE_DESTINATION_2 same as step 4.

FAQ 常见问题

Do I have to use Docker?

Not really, if you deployed previously and the APP is still working well, please enjoy it just like before.

If you want to deploy a new APP or rebuild the previously APP, I recommend using Docker to prevent account banned.

Heroku are actively prevent this APP. I recommend using Docker deploy a new APP or rebuild the previously APP to prevent account banned.

Why it automatically stop after 30 minutes, and files were lost?

Heroku Free Dyno will idle when there is no incoming request within 30 minutes, and your files will be deleted, so use Rclone to breaking this or use Heroku Hobby Dyno.

By the way, the use of memory exceeds the limit of 512M for a long time, Heroku dyno also will idle.

Why it still stop after 24 hours when i have used rclone?

Heroku-AriaNG APP will automatically make request to prevent idling when connect cloud drive with Rclone, but Heroku Dyno reset every 24 hours is inevitable.

How to view upload process?

Go to Heroku Dashboard, and view application logs.

How to edit rclone or aria2c config?

Open on-complete.sh and aria2c.conf, some global variables that can be edit, but believe me, the best parameters for best performance have been provided.

How to delete files?

The file will be automatically deleted after the upload is complete. you can also delete the file by deleting the aria2 task.

Can you provide more detailed configuration and deployment instructions

Nope. This README is enough.

Thanks 致谢

Many thanks for maple3142/heroku-aria2c and P3TERX/aria2.conf.