
Parse json with comments and trailing commas.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



jsonc is a Go package that converts the jsonc format to standard json.

The jsonc format is like standard json but allows for comments and trailing commas, such as:


  /* Dev Machine */
  "dbInfo": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,          
    "username": "josh",
    "password": "pass123", // please use a hashed password

  /* Only SMTP Allowed */
  "emailInfo": {
    "email": "josh@example.com", // use full email address
    "password": "pass123",
    "smtp": "smpt.example.com",


There's a provided function jsonc.ToJSON, which does the conversion.

The resulting JSON will always be the same length as the input and it will include all of the same line breaks at matching offsets. This is to ensure the result can be later processed by a external parser and that that parser will report messages or errors with the correct offsets.

Getting Started


To start using jsonc, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u github.com/tidwall/jsonc

This will retrieve the library.


The following example uses a JSON document that has comments and trailing commas and converts it just prior to unmarshalling with the standard Go JSON library.

data := `
  /* Dev Machine */
  "dbInfo": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,          // use full email address
    "username": "josh",
    "password": "pass123", // use a hashed password
  /* Only SMTP Allowed */
  "emailInfo": {
    "email": "josh@example.com",
    "password": "pass123",
    "smtp": "smpt.example.com",

err := json.Unmarshal(jsonc.ToJSON(data), &config)


It's fast and can convert GB/s of jsonc to json.


Josh Baker @tidwall


jsonc source code is available under the MIT License.