
Coroutine scheduler for C

Primary LanguageC


Coroutine scheduler for C.

The main purpose of this project is to power neco, which is a framework for building coroutine-based networking programs, but it works just as well for any program that needs a fast and predictable scheduler.


  • Fair and deterministic scheduler
  • Stackful coroutines
  • No allocations (bring your own stack)
  • Cross-platform. Linux, Mac, Webassembly, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, Windows, RaspPi, RISC-V
  • Fast context switching. Uses assembly in most cases
  • Single file amalgamation. No dependencies
  • Tests with 100% coverage

The coroutine switching ability is provided by llco.


// Starts a new coroutine with the provided description.
void sco_start(struct sco_desc *desc);

// Causes the calling coroutine to relinquish the CPU.
// This operation should be called from a coroutine, otherwise it does nothing.
void sco_yield(void);

// Get the identifier for the current coroutine.
// This operation should be called from a coroutine, otherwise it returns zero.
int64_t sco_id(void);

// Pause the current coroutine.
// This operation should be called from a coroutine, otherwise it does nothing.
void sco_pause(void);

// Resume a paused coroutine.
// If the id is invalid or does not belong to a paused coroutine then this
// operation does nothing.
// Calling sco_resume(0) is a special case that continues a runloop. See the
// README for an example.
void sco_resume(int64_t id);

// Returns true if there are any coroutines running, yielding, or paused.
bool sco_active(void);

// Detach a coroutine from a thread.
// This allows for moving coroutines between threads.
// The coroutine must be currently paused before it can be detached, thus this
// operation cannot be called from the coroutine belonging to the provided id.
// If the id is invalid or does not belong to a paused coroutine then this
// operation does nothing.
void sco_detach(int64_t id);

// Attach a coroutine to a thread.
// This allows for moving coroutines between threads.
// If the id is invalid or does not belong to a detached coroutine then this
// operation does nothing.
// Once attached, the coroutine will be paused.
void sco_attach(int64_t id);

// Exit a coroutine early.
// This _will not_ exit the program. Rather, it's for ending the current 
// coroutine and quickly switching to the thread's runloop before any other
// scheduled (yielded) coroutines run.
// This operation should be called from a coroutine, otherwise it does nothing.
void sco_exit(void);

// Returns the user data of the currently running coroutine.
void *sco_udata(void);

// General information and statistics
size_t sco_info_scheduled(void);
size_t sco_info_running(void);
size_t sco_info_paused(void);
size_t sco_info_detached(void);
const char *sco_info_method(void);


A basic scheduler runloop.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sco.h"

void entry(void *udata) {
    printf("Coroutine started\n");
    // The coroutine was started. Now we can do some processing. Or, start
    // another coroutine with sco_start(), pause this coroutine with 
    // sco_pause(), or exit prematurely with sco_exit().

void cleanup(void *stack, size_t stack_size, void *udata) {
    // The cleanup callback allows for freeing or recycling the stack belonging
    // to a recently ended coroutine. The current context of this function will 
    // _never_ be the same as the coroutine that is being cleaned up, so it's
    // best to avoid calling any sco_*() functions here.

int main(void) {
    printf("Main thread\n");

    // Every coroutine has a stack, an entry function, a cleanup function,
    // and optional user data.
    struct sco_desc desc = {
        .stack = malloc(1048576), // 1 MB stack
        .stack_size = 1048576,
        .entry = entry,
        .cleanup = cleanup,
        .udata = NULL,

    // Starting a coroutine from the main thread will block until all running
    // coroutines have completed, or until sco_pause() or sco_exit() is called.
    // This is a basic scheduler runloop. It checks if there are any active 
    // coroutines that are paused. For paused coroutines, the loop can be a way
    // to handle event polling, sleeping, or other other mechanism that might
    // need to, at some later point, resume the coroutine.
    while (sco_active()) {
        // This point in the code provides some space for handling paused
        // coroutines. Or, in the case that sco_exit() was called, we can now
        // to choose to exit the runloop early or resume running coroutines.
        // The following sco_resume(0) will continue running scheduled
        // coroutines.

    printf("All coroutines are done\n");
    return 0;

Multiple threads

It's possible to have multiple threads, each running its own schdeduler.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "sco.h"

void entry(void *udata) {
    printf("Started coroutine %" PRIi64 "\n", sco_id());

void cleanup(void *stack, size_t stack_size, void *udata) {

void *thread(void *arg) {
    // Here's a distinct scheduler runloop that is independent from the other
    // threads. Ideally each thread starts an initial coroutine that does the 
    // main processing. 
    // From there you can move coroutines between threads using sco_detach()
    // and sco_attach().
    struct sco_desc desc = { 
        .stack = malloc(1048576), // 1 MB stack
        .stack_size = 1048576,
        .entry = entry,
        .cleanup = cleanup,
        .udata = NULL,
    while (sco_active()) {
        // .. handle paused coroutines here
    return NULL;

int main(void) {
    pthread_t th1, th2, th3;

    // Start three threads that will each have their own scheduler.
    pthread_create(&th1, 0, thread, 0);
    pthread_create(&th2, 0, thread, 0);
    pthread_create(&th3, 0, thread, 0);

    // Wait for all threads to complete.
    pthread_join(th1, 0);
    pthread_join(th2, 0);
    pthread_join(th3, 0);

    return 0;


Tests can be run from the project's root directory.


This will run all tests using the system's default compiler.

If Clang is your compiler then you will also be provided with memory address sanitizing and code coverage.


tests/run.sh                   # defaults
CC=clang-17 tests/run.sh       # use alternative compiler
CC=emcc tests/run.sh           # Test with emscripten
CFLAGS="-O3" tests/run.sh      # use custom cflags