Pinned issues
- 7
Predictions in `tune_grid` for poisson regression models appear to be on the link scale (negative values)
#956 opened by josho88 - 0
bug in refactored `compute_grid_info()`
#959 opened by simonpcouch - 2
- 0
use an initial random design with grid size is 1
#962 opened by topepo - 4
- 5
Fit preprocessor just once with `tune_bayes`
#955 opened by asb2111 - 2
check `add_tailor(method)` against `method` automatically deduced from resamples
#900 opened by simonpcouch - 1
label testing for plots
#952 opened by topepo - 1
- 3
- 2
reduce the object size by trimming the split elements
#930 opened by topepo - 1
rename potato set to calibration set
#944 opened by simonpcouch - 2
remove step_ns and similar from docs
#913 opened by topepo - 1
- 2
collect_predictions() and calibrators
#943 opened by topepo - 2
- 0
- 0
better error message for multivariate models
#936 opened by topepo - 1
- 1
use tidy style in "Introduction to tune" vignette
#920 opened by simonpcouch - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 0
Use cli errors
#925 opened by EmilHvitfeldt - 0
summarize control options with `verbose = TRUE`
#923 opened by simonpcouch - 0
add a function to debias resampling estimates
#917 opened by topepo - 0
- 0
Make Bayesian optimization more fault tolerant
#915 opened by topepo - 2
- 1
- 1
package has experimental lifecycle badge
#903 opened by simonpcouch - 2
failing GHA tests related to inner split
#898 opened by simonpcouch - 1
use better names for analysis/potato/assessment sets in `tune_grid_loop_iter()`
#899 opened by simonpcouch - 1
pass only `labels(split)` to internal functions that just take `split` for its `labels()`
#893 opened by simonpcouch - 1
- 1
- 2
GitHub tag `v1.2.1` reflects `main` at the time rather than the 1.2.1 CRAN release
#897 opened by simonpcouch - 7
- 2
Release tune 1.2.1
#891 opened by topepo - 1
Nicer error when using `permutations()` resampling
#895 opened by hfrick - 2
`.gitignore` `revdep`
#911 opened by simonpcouch - 0
`.catch_and_log()` requires passing arguments through `...` by position rather than name
#907 opened by simonpcouch - 0
- 4
- 2
int_pctl.tune_results fails with PSOCK
#885 opened by topepo - 1
- 1
change order of one GH release issue template
#877 opened by topepo - 4
Tuning MLPs with h2o
#882 opened by walkerjameschris - 2
Release tune 1.2.0
#875 opened by topepo