
A Hunter Robot for ROS turtlesim

Primary LanguageMakefile

This is my ROS Turtlesim Hunter Script.

While learning ROS, I saw the Turtlesim node and it reminded me of LOGOS and got me excited. So I figured I would try something with it.

I figured, why not make a script that makes the turtle chase other turtles. So here we go.

In the ./Scripts/hunt.py file is everything you need.  At the top are things to change, for instance, there are three methods to hunting, change the method variable to try the different ones.

To install: 
Clone this into a catkin workspace
Do all these commands from that catkin workspace
run "catkin_make"
run "roscore"
Open a new Terminal Window
run "rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node"
Open a new Terminal Window
run "rosrun turtlesim_hunt hunt.py"