A simple implementation of a buffer object. This has been my very first C++ library.
This library visualizes some of the atomic base concept of the language C++. Building up this little library helped me to get familiar with:
Pointer arithmetic: As the library content is not more than memory handlinc It makes use of pointer arithmetic. This library reveals nicely how asteriks or ambersant are to be used and what their effective concequence is when using it within one or the other local context
Dynamically allocated memory: The library also helps understanding the usage of how memory is dynamically to be allocated and how it is freed. In conjunction with the class oriented approach it also points out the importance of handling it well structured and abstracted rather than entangled and nested.
Class oriented programing: Conceptually clean separation between constructors and destructores. The constructor being further divided into object instanciation and initialization. Constructor and destructor can further be regarded as different from accessor methods. They only come into play when memory is allocated memory. Yet accessor methods are valid members even when the object is statically allocated.
Generic programming using templates: The library shows haow to use templates in order to eliminate doublicated code.
Differences between C++ and C: While being a C++ library it does not use some of the fundamental C++ keywords such as new and delete. It rather uses simple C functionality.