
Uploads images from other repositories to user specified repositories

Primary LanguageGo

Image Clone Controller

This controller clones docker images from other repositories into another specified docker repository via the REPO_URL variable.

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Environment configuration

Find below a list of environment variables, some of them are required to successfully start the controller.

Key Required Default Function
NAMESPACES_TO_SKIP false kube-system Comma separated list of namespaces to ignore e.g "default, another-namespace"
DELAY_PERIOD false 5 Time in minutes to wait before queuing a failed operation
IS_DEV_ENV false false Use dev configurations, good for local development only!
KUBECONFIG false in-cluster config Specifies path to kubeconfig file, only used when IS_DEV_ENV is true
REPO_URL true REQUIRED: Link to the "cache" repository e.g docker.io/k8s/ etc
DOCKER_CONFIG true REQUIRED: Folder where Docker configuration used to authenticate to registry can be found. This is a folder path and the file can be mounted from a secret.

For the DOCKER_CONFIG env, you can find a sample file to create it by running the commands below locally:

    docker login
    cat $HOME/.docker/config.json

You can then create a secret using the following command on the file previously obtained:

    # Change secret_name and config_path as necessary, config_path should be `$HOME/.docker/config.json`
    # secret_name should be dockercred as seen in the deployment spec
    kubectl create secret generic dockercred -n image-clone-controller-system --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

Follow the instructions here to mount the secrets as a file in the configuration and set the environment variable to the folder mount path you specified

How to run it locally

The controller can be executed using the following command locally, set environment variables to required configuration

    git clone github.com/Tiemma/image-clone-controller
    cd image-clone-controller

Deploying to a kubernetes cluster

NOTE: Requires kustomize

You can run the controller within a Kubernetes cluster by running the following commands:

    make deploy

It would parse all the configurations with kustomize and apply.

If you do not have kustomize, you can apply directly using

    kubectl apply -f config/k8s/deploy.yaml

Do not forget to create the secret named dockercred based on your docker access configuration

    kubectl create secret generic dockercred -n image-clone-controller-system --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

Running tests

    make test