
This is copied and hastily adapted from the website, hope they don't mind.

How to add EulerRoom events

This website is generted by jekyll, and automatically builds when someone (maybe you!) pushes a new version to github.

The entries for each stream live in the _posts directory, and are named as YEAR-MONTH-DAY-STREAMNUMBER.html.

At the top of each file you find a section of metadata, the only things you need to care about are:

  • number. Which should be the EulerRoom stream number. Look for the latest one and add a number.
  • start. The date + time the stream starts. We need to support timezones! But don't.
  • end. Obvious.
  • where. A reference to where the stream comes from - this needs to match up to an entry in _data/locations.yaml.
  • tags. This should be a list of all the people who performed at this event. If it's just you streaming that'll just be the one.
  • Optionally, title. This is used for named events.

Below the --- line, you can put whatever you like, it'll be inside a <pre> tag on the website, but you can use html tags and other fancy things.

If you want to preview the website after you've added a new event or changed an old one, run jekyll serve (assuming you have it installed) and it'll give you a webserver address to visit.

When you're done, git add, git commit and git push the changes.

Adding new locations

Look in the _data/locations.yaml file, it should be somewhat obvious.