
PomeloPay Homework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PomeloPay HW


This is source code for Pomelo Pay Homework (React Native)

Main technnologies and libs

React Native, redux, redux-saga, styled-components

Code standards

Follow: ESLint, Prettier

IDE: Visual Studio Code

Dependency Management: Yarn

Setup project

1. Setup environment


2. Clone and install dependencies

$ git clone <repo>
$ cd <path_to_project>
$ yarn install
$ cd ios && pod install

3. Run the app for development

Start bundle server

$ yarn start

iOS app

$ yarn ios (run on iPhone simulator)

Android app

$ yarn android

Directory structure

└── src
  ├──components            # only contain doom components (show UI only)
  │ └──__tests__           # unit tests and snapshots of unit tests
  ├──constants             # contain common layouts, colores, image paths, keys, configs, routes…
  ├──redux                 # define and initial store for global data
  │ ├──actions             # receive and handle requests from UI view and dispatch to reducers
  │ ├──sagas               # redux sagas
  │ └──reducers            # contains global data and deliver to UI view
  ├──screens               # all screens of the app
  ├──services              # handle request API, login services…
  └──utils                 # common functions, helpers and tools…
