Reflection utility functions for Go
go get
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
v, err := SliceLen(reflect.ValueOf(slice)) // v == 3
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
v, err := SliceGet[int](reflect.ValueOf(slice), 1) // v == 2
v, err := SliceGet[int](reflect.ValueOf(slice), 3) // err is ErrIndexOutOfRange
v, err := SliceGet[string](reflect.ValueOf(slice), 1) // err is ErrTypeUnmatched
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
err := SliceSet(reflect.ValueOf(slice), 1, 22) // slice[1] == 22
err := SliceSet(reflect.ValueOf(slice), 3, 44) // err is ErrIndexOutOfRange
err := SliceSet(reflect.ValueOf(slice), 1, "22") // err is ErrTypeUnmatched
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
slice2, err := SliceAppend(reflect.ValueOf(slice), 4) // slice2 == []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
slice2, err := SliceAppend(reflect.ValueOf(slice), "4") // err is ErrTypeUnmatched
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
s, err := SliceGetAll(reflect.ValueOf(slice)) // returns []reflect.Value
slice := []any{1, 2, 3}
s, err := SliceAs[int64](reflect.ValueOf(slice)) // s == []int64{1,2,3}
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
v, err := MapLen(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 1) // v == 3
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
v, err := MapGet[string](reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 1) // v == "11"
v, err := MapGet[int](reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 3) // err is ErrTypeUnmatched
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
err := MapSet(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 1, "111") // success
err := MapSet(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 4, "444") // success
err := MapSet(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 5, 555) // err is ErrTypeUnmatched
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
err := MapDelete(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 1) // success
err := MapDelete(reflect.ValueOf(aMap), 4) // success
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
keys, err := MapKeys(reflect.ValueOf(aMap)) // returns a slice []reflect.Value of keys
aMap := map[int]string{1: "11", 2: "22", 3: "33"}
entries, err := MapEntries(reflect.ValueOf(aMap)) // returns a slice []MapEntry of entries
type S struct {
I int
S string
s := S{I: 1, S: "11"}
v, err := StructGetField[int](reflect.ValueOf(s), "I", true) // v == 1
v, err := StructGetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(s), "S", true) // v == "11"
v, err := StructGetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(s), "s", false) // v == "11"
v, err := StructGetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(s), "s", true) // err is ErrNotFound
type S struct {
I int
S string
s := S{I: 1, S: "11"}
err := StructSetField[int](reflect.ValueOf(&s), "I", 11, true) // success
err := StructSetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(&s), "S", "111", true) // success
err := StructSetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(&s), "s", "111", false) // success
err := StructSetField[string](reflect.ValueOf(&s), "s", "111", true) // err is ErrNotFound
type S struct {
I int `mytag:"ii"`
S string `mytag:"ss"`
s := S{I: 1, S: "11"}
fields, err := StructListFields(reflect.ValueOf(&s), false, "") // fields == []string{"I", "S"}
fields, err := StructListFields(reflect.ValueOf(&s), false, "mytag") // fields == []string{"ii", "ss"}
StructToMap / StructToMapEx
type S struct {
I int `json:"ii"`
S string `json:"ss"`
i8 int8
s := S{I: 1, S: "11"}
v, err := StructToMap(reflect.ValueOf(s), false, nil) // v == map[string]any{"I": 1, "S": "11"}
// Pass arg parseJSONTag with "true"
v, err := StructToMap(reflect.ValueOf(s), true, nil) // v == map[string]any{"ii": 1, "ss": "11"}
// Use StructToMapEx in case you want to parse custom tag
v, err := StructToMapEx(reflect.ValueOf(s), "json", nil) // v == map[string]any{"ii": 1, "ss": "11"}
// Pass arg keyFunc to extract unexported fields
v, err := StructToMap(reflect.ValueOf(s), false, func(name string, isExported bool) string {
return strings.ToLower(name)
}) // v == map[string]any{"i": 1, "s": "11", "i8": 0}
ParseTag / ParseTagOf / ParseTagsOf
type S struct {
I int `mytag:"i,optional,k=v"`
S string `mytag:"s,optional,k1=v1,k2=v2,omitempty"`
U uint `mytag:"-,optional"`
s := S{I: 1, S: "11", U: 10}
sVal := reflect.ValueOf(s)
iField, _ := sVal.Type().FieldByName("I")
tag, err := ParseTag(&iField, "mytag", ",") // tag.Name == i
// tag.Attrs == map[string]string{"optional": "", "k", "v"}
v, err := ValueAs[float32](reflect.ValueOf(97)) // v == float32(97)
v, err := ValueAs[string](reflect.ValueOf(97)) // v == "a"
- You are welcome to make pull requests for new functions and bug fixes.