Redis-like in-memory database for NodeJS clustered applications.
Adding Redis as a dependency will inevitably increase the complexity to your application and your environment. Use this library if you want to keep a simple architecture while at the same time allow you to migrate to a real in-memory database when you feel the need for it.
import * as cluster from "cluster";
import * as memshared from "memshared";
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// setup your initial data
} else {
memshared.set('foo', 'bar');
memshared.get('foo', function (err, result) {
memshared.sadd('set', 1);
You'll need a script to start PM2. See this example.
node pm2/pm2.js
There are a lot of commands missing. Feel free to pick one of them and send a pull-request: endel#7