Exchanges dashboard

This repository is meant to provide an easy-to-run (local) web-UI that provides insight into your account(s) activities on exchanges. It uses a custom script to retrieve data from one or more exchanges (via websocket and/or REST), which is then inserted into a database (sqlite by default). A metabase container is then launched with a default configuration to display this information.


Overview of the dashboard: Futures

When a value is entered in the DCA field (top left), the DCA quantity and the DCA price (x% above the current price) will be displayed in the additional fields in the table. DCA

Metabase configuration:


  • First name: First
  • Last name: Last
  • Email:
  • Password: ExchangesDashboard1!
  • Department: Department of Awesome


  • Database type: SQLite
  • Name: Exchanges
  • Filename: /data/exchanges_db.sqlite

Starting the dashboard

  • Clone this repo:
    • git clone
  • Copy the config.example.json to config.json
    • cp config.example.json config.json
  • Enter the api-key & secret
    • nano config.json
  • Start the dashboard
    • Run docker-compose up -d
  • Go to http://localhost:3000
WARNING: If you change the config.json file, make sure you rebuild the container using docker-compose up -d --build
INFO: If you get a message about $PWD being unknown, replace $PWD the docker-compose.yaml file with the full path

Stopping the dashboard

  • Run docker-compose stop

Multiple dashboard

  • If you want to deploy a second dashboard instance on the same machine, please clone the repo and update the config.json and docker-compose.yaml files.
  • In the docker-compose.yaml you'll have to modify container names, exposed port and network interface. An example is provided in docker-compose.yaml.example-second-dashboard