Github Issues


  • Implement UI

    • Search Form
    • Pagination
    • Alert message
    • List of Issues
      • Issue
    • Modal
    • Loading Spinner
  • Working on the features

  • The user can enter a repository in a search bar, click "search", and see the associated issues. The repository should be of the format owner/repo-name, e.g. facebook/react.

  • If the repository does not exist, the user should see a proper error message.

  • The user should be able to see the following information for each issue: Issue Title with Number of the issue Owner of the Issue Owner Avatar How long ago the issue was updated in a human-friendly format (e.g. 2 days ago) (Hint: react-moment) Body of the Issue Labels of the issue

  • The user should be able to see multiple pages of results, by clicking a pagination control.

  • The user can see more details (including 5 comments of the issue) in a modal that's opened by clicking on the title of the issue.

  • The user should be able to see the body of the issue rendered in markdown. (Hint: react-markdown)

  • Fetching is an asynchronous operation, so you should display a loading spinner whenever the app loads data, and hide it once the corresponding API call has been completed.

  • Input Fuzzy Matching: the user should be able to type in either or facebook/react, BOTH should work.

  • In the Issue Detail Modal, let implement an infinite pagination with a "Show More" button: Fetch 5 more comments whenever user clicks on the button. The button is disabled or hidden when all the comments have been loaded.