
Utility CSS framework with abbreviated class names.

Primary LanguageLiveScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AntCSS 🐜

Utility CSS framework with abbreviated class names.

AntCSS is like ants, small and many but powerful.
AntCSS inspired by Emmet and Tailwind CSS.


Using CDN:



A class has the following form:

sign + breakpoint + name

sign: As sign "-" if the value is negative

breakpoint: If defined, it will apply exactly that breakpoint

name: Class name


Prefix Media
<none> <none>
S max-width: 767px
M min-width: 768px


Class CSS
j jS jE jB jR jV ji jiS jiE jiH display: flex;
align-items: center;
aC aS aE aL aH ac acS acE acB acR acV display: flex;
justify-content: center;
k display: block;
i display: inline-block;
in display: inline;
f fC fCr fR fRr jH j1 display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
g gC gCd gR gRd gc1 gc2 gc3 gc4 gc5 gc6 gc7 gc8 gc9 gc10 gc11 gc12 gcN gr1 gr2 gr3 gr4 gr5 gr6 grN display: grid;
tb display: table;
it display: inline-table;
fr display: flow-root;
ct display: contents;
li display: list-item;
n display: none;
a af at ar ab al position: absolute;
af left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
at top: 0;
width: 100%;
ar right: 0;
height: 100%;
ab bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
al left: 0;
height: 100%;
e position: relative;
fx position: fixed;
st position: static;
sk position: sticky;
if ifC ifCr ifR ifRr display: inline-flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
ig igC igCd igR igRd display: inline-grid;
bkS box-decoration-break: slice;
bk box-decoration-break: clone;
bxB box-sizing: border-box;
bx box-sizing: content-box;
fl float: left;
flR float: right;
flN float: none;
clL clear: left;
clR clear: right;
cl clear: both;
clN clear: none;
obC object-fit: contain;
ob object-fit: cover;
obF object-fit: fill;
obN object-fit: none;
obS object-fit: scale-down;
opT object-position: top;
opR object-position: right;
opB object-position: bottom;
opL object-position: left;
opTl object-position: top left;
opTr object-position: top right;
opBr object-position: bottom right;
opBl object-position: bottom left;
op object-position: center;
oA overflow: auto;
oH overflow: hidden;
oV overflow: visible;
oS overflow: scroll;
oO overflow: overlay;
oxA overflow-x: auto;
oxH overflow-x: hidden;
oxV overflow-x: visible;
oxS overflow-x: scroll;
oxO overflow-x: overlay;
ox overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
oxL overflow-x: overlay;
overflow-y: hidden;
oyA overflow-y: auto;
oyH overflow-y: hidden;
oyV overflow-y: visible;
oyS overflow-y: scroll;
oyO overflow-y: overlay;
oy overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
oyL overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: overlay;
osA overscroll-behavior: auto;
os overscroll-behavior: contain;
osN overscroll-behavior: none;
osxA overscroll-behavior-x: auto;
osx overscroll-behavior-x: contain;
osxN overscroll-behavior-x: none;
osyA overscroll-behavior-y: auto;
osy overscroll-behavior-y: contain;
osyN overscroll-behavior-y: none;
sb scroll-behavior: smooth;
sbA scroll-behavior: auto;
sw::-webkit-scrollbar display: none;
sw scrollbar-width: none;
t1 top: .25rem;
t2 top: .5rem;
t3 top: .75rem;
t4 top: 1rem;
t5 top: 1.25rem;
t6 top: 1.5rem;
t7 top: 1.75rem;
t8 top: 2rem;
t9 top: 2.25rem;
t10 top: 2.5rem;
t11 top: 2.75rem;
t12 top: 3rem;
t13 top: 3.25rem;
t14 top: 3.5rem;
t15 top: 3.75rem;
t16 top: 4rem;
t18 top: 4.5rem;
t20 top: 5rem;
t22 top: 5.5rem;
t24 top: 6rem;
t26 top: 6.5rem;
t28 top: 7rem;
t30 top: 7.5rem;
t32 top: 8rem;
tP top: 1px;
t top: 0;
-t1 top: -.25rem;
-t2 top: -.5rem;
-t3 top: -.75rem;
-t4 top: -1rem;
-t5 top: -1.25rem;
-t6 top: -1.5rem;
-t7 top: -1.75rem;
-t8 top: -2rem;
-t9 top: -2.25rem;
-t10 top: -2.5rem;
-t11 top: -2.75rem;
-t12 top: -3rem;
-t13 top: -3.25rem;
-t14 top: -3.5rem;
-t15 top: -3.75rem;
-t16 top: -4rem;
-t18 top: -4.5rem;
-t20 top: -5rem;
-t22 top: -5.5rem;
-t24 top: -6rem;
-t26 top: -6.5rem;
-t28 top: -7rem;
-t30 top: -7.5rem;
-t32 top: -8rem;
-tP top: -1px;
t-3 top: 25%;
t-6 top: 50%;
t-9 top: 75%;
tF top: 100%;
-t-3 top: -25%;
-t-6 top: -50%;
-t-9 top: -75%;
-tF top: -100%;
tA top: auto;
r1 right: .25rem;
r2 right: .5rem;
r3 right: .75rem;
r4 right: 1rem;
r5 right: 1.25rem;
r6 right: 1.5rem;
r7 right: 1.75rem;
r8 right: 2rem;
r9 right: 2.25rem;
r10 right: 2.5rem;
r11 right: 2.75rem;
r12 right: 3rem;
r13 right: 3.25rem;
r14 right: 3.5rem;
r15 right: 3.75rem;
r16 right: 4rem;
r18 right: 4.5rem;
r20 right: 5rem;
r22 right: 5.5rem;
r24 right: 6rem;
r26 right: 6.5rem;
r28 right: 7rem;
r30 right: 7.5rem;
r32 right: 8rem;
rP right: 1px;
r right: 0;
-r1 right: -.25rem;
-r2 right: -.5rem;
-r3 right: -.75rem;
-r4 right: -1rem;
-r5 right: -1.25rem;
-r6 right: -1.5rem;
-r7 right: -1.75rem;
-r8 right: -2rem;
-r9 right: -2.25rem;
-r10 right: -2.5rem;
-r11 right: -2.75rem;
-r12 right: -3rem;
-r13 right: -3.25rem;
-r14 right: -3.5rem;
-r15 right: -3.75rem;
-r16 right: -4rem;
-r18 right: -4.5rem;
-r20 right: -5rem;
-r22 right: -5.5rem;
-r24 right: -6rem;
-r26 right: -6.5rem;
-r28 right: -7rem;
-r30 right: -7.5rem;
-r32 right: -8rem;
-rP right: -1px;
r-3 right: 25%;
r-6 right: 50%;
r-9 right: 75%;
rF right: 100%;
-r-3 right: -25%;
-r-6 right: -50%;
-r-9 right: -75%;
-rF right: -100%;
rA right: auto;
b1 bottom: .25rem;
b2 bottom: .5rem;
b3 bottom: .75rem;
b4 bottom: 1rem;
b5 bottom: 1.25rem;
b6 bottom: 1.5rem;
b7 bottom: 1.75rem;
b8 bottom: 2rem;
b9 bottom: 2.25rem;
b10 bottom: 2.5rem;
b11 bottom: 2.75rem;
b12 bottom: 3rem;
b13 bottom: 3.25rem;
b14 bottom: 3.5rem;
b15 bottom: 3.75rem;
b16 bottom: 4rem;
b18 bottom: 4.5rem;
b20 bottom: 5rem;
b22 bottom: 5.5rem;
b24 bottom: 6rem;
b26 bottom: 6.5rem;
b28 bottom: 7rem;
b30 bottom: 7.5rem;
b32 bottom: 8rem;
bP bottom: 1px;
b bottom: 0;
-b1 bottom: -.25rem;
-b2 bottom: -.5rem;
-b3 bottom: -.75rem;
-b4 bottom: -1rem;
-b5 bottom: -1.25rem;
-b6 bottom: -1.5rem;
-b7 bottom: -1.75rem;
-b8 bottom: -2rem;
-b9 bottom: -2.25rem;
-b10 bottom: -2.5rem;
-b11 bottom: -2.75rem;
-b12 bottom: -3rem;
-b13 bottom: -3.25rem;
-b14 bottom: -3.5rem;
-b15 bottom: -3.75rem;
-b16 bottom: -4rem;
-b18 bottom: -4.5rem;
-b20 bottom: -5rem;
-b22 bottom: -5.5rem;
-b24 bottom: -6rem;
-b26 bottom: -6.5rem;
-b28 bottom: -7rem;
-b30 bottom: -7.5rem;
-b32 bottom: -8rem;
-bP bottom: -1px;
b-3 bottom: 25%;
b-6 bottom: 50%;
b-9 bottom: 75%;
bF bottom: 100%;
-b-3 bottom: -25%;
-b-6 bottom: -50%;
-b-9 bottom: -75%;
-bF bottom: -100%;
bA bottom: auto;
l1 left: .25rem;
l2 left: .5rem;
l3 left: .75rem;
l4 left: 1rem;
l5 left: 1.25rem;
l6 left: 1.5rem;
l7 left: 1.75rem;
l8 left: 2rem;
l9 left: 2.25rem;
l10 left: 2.5rem;
l11 left: 2.75rem;
l12 left: 3rem;
l13 left: 3.25rem;
l14 left: 3.5rem;
l15 left: 3.75rem;
l16 left: 4rem;
l18 left: 4.5rem;
l20 left: 5rem;
l22 left: 5.5rem;
l24 left: 6rem;
l26 left: 6.5rem;
l28 left: 7rem;
l30 left: 7.5rem;
l32 left: 8rem;
lP left: 1px;
l left: 0;
-l1 left: -.25rem;
-l2 left: -.5rem;
-l3 left: -.75rem;
-l4 left: -1rem;
-l5 left: -1.25rem;
-l6 left: -1.5rem;
-l7 left: -1.75rem;
-l8 left: -2rem;
-l9 left: -2.25rem;
-l10 left: -2.5rem;
-l11 left: -2.75rem;
-l12 left: -3rem;
-l13 left: -3.25rem;
-l14 left: -3.5rem;
-l15 left: -3.75rem;
-l16 left: -4rem;
-l18 left: -4.5rem;
-l20 left: -5rem;
-l22 left: -5.5rem;
-l24 left: -6rem;
-l26 left: -6.5rem;
-l28 left: -7rem;
-l30 left: -7.5rem;
-l32 left: -8rem;
-lP left: -1px;
l-3 left: 25%;
l-6 left: 50%;
l-9 left: 75%;
lF left: 100%;
-l-3 left: -25%;
-l-6 left: -50%;
-l-9 left: -75%;
-lF left: -100%;
lA left: auto;
vV visibility: visible;
vH visibility: hidden;
z1 z-index: 1;
z2 z-index: 2;
z3 z-index: 3;
z4 z-index: 4;
z5 z-index: 5;
z z-index: 0;
-z1 z-index: -1;
zA z-index: auto;
jH>* flex-grow: 1;
j1>* flex: 1;
f1 flex: 1;
fA flex: auto;
fI flex: initial;
fN flex: none;
fR flex-direction: row;
fC flex-direction: column;
fRr flex-direction: row-reverse;
fCr flex-direction: column-reverse;
fW flex-wrap: wrap;
fR flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
fO flex-wrap: nowrap;
ifR flex-direction: row;
ifC flex-direction: column;
ifRr flex-direction: row-reverse;
ifCr flex-direction: column-reverse;
fg0 flex-grow: 0;
fg flex-grow: 1;
fk0 flex-shrink: 0;
fk flex-shrink: 1;
od0 order: 0;
od1 order: 1;
od2 order: 2;
od3 order: 3;
od4 order: 4;
od5 order: 5;
od6 order: 6;
od7 order: 7;
od8 order: 8;
od9 order: 9;
od10 order: 10;
od11 order: 11;
od12 order: 12;
odF order: -9999;
odL order: 9999;
gR grid-auto-flow: row;
gC grid-auto-flow: column;
gRd grid-auto-flow: row dense;
gCd grid-auto-flow: column dense;
igR grid-auto-flow: row;
igC grid-auto-flow: column;
igRd grid-auto-flow: row dense;
igCd grid-auto-flow: column dense;
gc1 grid-template-columns: repeat(1,minmax(0,1fr));
gc2 grid-template-columns: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr));
gc3 grid-template-columns: repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr));
gc4 grid-template-columns: repeat(4,minmax(0,1fr));
gc5 grid-template-columns: repeat(5,minmax(0,1fr));
gc6 grid-template-columns: repeat(6,minmax(0,1fr));
gc7 grid-template-columns: repeat(7,minmax(0,1fr));
gc8 grid-template-columns: repeat(8,minmax(0,1fr));
gc9 grid-template-columns: repeat(9,minmax(0,1fr));
gc10 grid-template-columns: repeat(10,minmax(0,1fr));
gc11 grid-template-columns: repeat(11,minmax(0,1fr));
gc12 grid-template-columns: repeat(12,minmax(0,1fr));
gcA1 grid-template-columns: repeat(1,auto);
gcA2 grid-template-columns: repeat(2,auto);
gcA3 grid-template-columns: repeat(3,auto);
gcA4 grid-template-columns: repeat(4,auto);
gcA5 grid-template-columns: repeat(5,auto);
gcA6 grid-template-columns: repeat(6,auto);
gcA7 grid-template-columns: repeat(7,auto);
gcA8 grid-template-columns: repeat(8,auto);
gcA9 grid-template-columns: repeat(9,auto);
gcA10 grid-template-columns: repeat(10,auto);
gcA11 grid-template-columns: repeat(11,auto);
gcA12 grid-template-columns: repeat(12,auto);
gcN grid-template-columns: none;
gr1 grid-template-rows: repeat(1,minmax(0,1fr));
gr2 grid-template-rows: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr));
gr3 grid-template-rows: repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr));
gr4 grid-template-rows: repeat(4,minmax(0,1fr));
gr5 grid-template-rows: repeat(5,minmax(0,1fr));
gr6 grid-template-rows: repeat(6,minmax(0,1fr));
grA1 grid-template-rows: repeat(1,auto);
grA2 grid-template-rows: repeat(2,auto);
grA3 grid-template-rows: repeat(3,auto);
grA4 grid-template-rows: repeat(4,auto);
grA5 grid-template-rows: repeat(5,auto);
grA6 grid-template-rows: repeat(6,auto);
grN grid-template-rows: none;
gw1 grid-column: span 1/span 1;
gw2 grid-column: span 2/span 2;
gw3 grid-column: span 3/span 3;
gw4 grid-column: span 4/span 4;
gw5 grid-column: span 5/span 5;
gw6 grid-column: span 6/span 6;
gw7 grid-column: span 7/span 7;
gw8 grid-column: span 8/span 8;
gw9 grid-column: span 9/span 9;
gw10 grid-column: span 10/span 10;
gw11 grid-column: span 11/span 11;
gw12 grid-column: span 12/span 12;
gw grid-column: 1/-1;
gwA grid-column: auto;
gs2 grid-column-start: 2;
gs3 grid-column-start: 3;
gs4 grid-column-start: 4;
gs5 grid-column-start: 5;
gs6 grid-column-start: 6;
gs7 grid-column-start: 7;
gs8 grid-column-start: 8;
gs9 grid-column-start: 9;
gs10 grid-column-start: 10;
gs11 grid-column-start: 11;
gs12 grid-column-start: 12;
gs13 grid-column-start: 13;
gs grid-column-start: 1;
gsA grid-column-start: auto;
ge1 grid-column-end: 1;
ge2 grid-column-end: 2;
ge3 grid-column-end: 3;
ge4 grid-column-end: 4;
ge5 grid-column-end: 5;
ge6 grid-column-end: 6;
ge7 grid-column-end: 7;
ge8 grid-column-end: 8;
ge9 grid-column-end: 9;
ge10 grid-column-end: 10;
ge11 grid-column-end: 11;
ge12 grid-column-end: 12;
ge grid-column-end: 13;
geA grid-column-end: auto;
gh1 grid-row: span 1/span 1;
gh2 grid-row: span 2/span 2;
gh3 grid-row: span 3/span 3;
gh4 grid-row: span 4/span 4;
gh5 grid-row: span 5/span 5;
gh6 grid-row: span 6/span 6;
gh grid-row: 1/-1;
ghA grid-row: auto;
ghs2 grid-row-start: 2;
ghs3 grid-row-start: 3;
ghs4 grid-row-start: 4;
ghs5 grid-row-start: 5;
ghs6 grid-row-start: 6;
ghs7 grid-row-start: 7;
ghs grid-row-start: 1;
ghsA grid-row-start: auto;
ghe1 grid-row-end: 1;
ghe2 grid-row-end: 2;
ghe3 grid-row-end: 3;
ghe4 grid-row-end: 4;
ghe5 grid-row-end: 5;
ghe6 grid-row-end: 6;
ghe grid-row-end: 7;
gheA grid-row-end: auto;
gac1 grid-auto-columns: 100%;
gac2 grid-auto-columns: 50%;
gac3 grid-auto-columns: 33.33333%;
gac4 grid-auto-columns: 25%;
gac5 grid-auto-columns: 20%;
gac6 grid-auto-columns: 16.66667%;
gac7 grid-auto-columns: 14.28571%;
gac8 grid-auto-columns: 12.5%;
gac9 grid-auto-columns: 11.11111%;
gac10 grid-auto-columns: 10%;
gac11 grid-auto-columns: 9.09091%;
gac12 grid-auto-columns: 8.33333%;
gacA grid-auto-columns: auto;
gacMi grid-auto-columns: min-content;
gacMa grid-auto-columns: max-content;
gacFr grid-auto-columns: minmax(0,1fr);
ga1 grid-auto-rows: 100%;
ga2 grid-auto-rows: 50%;
ga3 grid-auto-rows: 33.33333%;
ga4 grid-auto-rows: 25%;
ga5 grid-auto-rows: 20%;
ga6 grid-auto-rows: 16.66667%;
gaA grid-auto-rows: auto;
gaMi grid-auto-rows: min-content;
gaMa grid-auto-rows: max-content;
gaFr grid-auto-rows: minmax(0,1fr);
g0 gap: 0;
g1 gap: .25rem;
g2 gap: .5rem;
g3 gap: .75rem;
g4 gap: 1rem;
g5 gap: 1.25rem;
g6 gap: 1.5rem;
g7 gap: 1.75rem;
g8 gap: 2rem;
g9 gap: 2.25rem;
g10 gap: 2.5rem;
g11 gap: 2.75rem;
g12 gap: 3rem;
g13 gap: 3.25rem;
g14 gap: 3.5rem;
g15 gap: 3.75rem;
g16 gap: 4rem;
g18 gap: 4.5rem;
g20 gap: 5rem;
g22 gap: 5.5rem;
g24 gap: 6rem;
g26 gap: 6.5rem;
g28 gap: 7rem;
g30 gap: 7.5rem;
g32 gap: 8rem;
gP gap: 1px;
gx0 column-gap: 0;
gx1 column-gap: .25rem;
gx2 column-gap: .5rem;
gx3 column-gap: .75rem;
gx4 column-gap: 1rem;
gx5 column-gap: 1.25rem;
gx6 column-gap: 1.5rem;
gx7 column-gap: 1.75rem;
gx8 column-gap: 2rem;
gx9 column-gap: 2.25rem;
gx10 column-gap: 2.5rem;
gx11 column-gap: 2.75rem;
gx12 column-gap: 3rem;
gx13 column-gap: 3.25rem;
gx14 column-gap: 3.5rem;
gx15 column-gap: 3.75rem;
gx16 column-gap: 4rem;
gx18 column-gap: 4.5rem;
gx20 column-gap: 5rem;
gx22 column-gap: 5.5rem;
gx24 column-gap: 6rem;
gx26 column-gap: 6.5rem;
gx28 column-gap: 7rem;
gx30 column-gap: 7.5rem;
gx32 column-gap: 8rem;
gxP column-gap: 1px;
gy0 row-gap: 0;
gy1 row-gap: .25rem;
gy2 row-gap: .5rem;
gy3 row-gap: .75rem;
gy4 row-gap: 1rem;
gy5 row-gap: 1.25rem;
gy6 row-gap: 1.5rem;
gy7 row-gap: 1.75rem;
gy8 row-gap: 2rem;
gy9 row-gap: 2.25rem;
gy10 row-gap: 2.5rem;
gy11 row-gap: 2.75rem;
gy12 row-gap: 3rem;
gy13 row-gap: 3.25rem;
gy14 row-gap: 3.5rem;
gy15 row-gap: 3.75rem;
gy16 row-gap: 4rem;
gy18 row-gap: 4.5rem;
gy20 row-gap: 5rem;
gy22 row-gap: 5.5rem;
gy24 row-gap: 6rem;
gy26 row-gap: 6.5rem;
gy28 row-gap: 7rem;
gy30 row-gap: 7.5rem;
gy32 row-gap: 8rem;
gyP row-gap: 1px;
jS justify-content: flex-start;
jE justify-content: flex-end;
j justify-content: center;
jB justify-content: space-between;
jR justify-content: space-around;
jV justify-content: space-evenly;
jiS justify-items: flex-start;
jiE justify-items: flex-end;
ji justify-items: center;
jiH justify-items: stretch;
jsS justify-self: flex-start;
jsE justify-self: flex-end;
js justify-self: center;
jsH justify-self: stretch;
jsA justify-self: auto;
acS align-content: flex-start;
acE align-content: flex-end;
ac align-content: center;
acB align-content: space-between;
acR align-content: space-around;
acV align-content: space-evenly;
aS align-items: flex-start;
aE align-items: flex-end;
aC align-items: center;
aL align-items: baseline;
aH align-items: stretch;
asS align-self: flex-start;
asE align-self: flex-end;
as align-self: center;
asH align-self: stretch;
asA align-self: auto;
p0 padding: 0;
p1 padding: .25rem;
p2 padding: .5rem;
p4 padding: 1rem;
p5 padding: 1.25rem;
p6 padding: 1.5rem;
p7 padding: 1.75rem;
p8 padding: 2rem;
p9 padding: 2.25rem;
p10 padding: 2.5rem;
p11 padding: 2.75rem;
p12 padding: 3rem;
p13 padding: 3.25rem;
p14 padding: 3.5rem;
p15 padding: 3.75rem;
p16 padding: 4rem;
p18 padding: 4.5rem;
p20 padding: 5rem;
p22 padding: 5.5rem;
p24 padding: 6rem;
p26 padding: 6.5rem;
p28 padding: 7rem;
p30 padding: 7.5rem;
p32 padding: 8rem;
pP padding: 1px;
p padding: .75rem;
px0 padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
px1 padding-left: .25rem;
padding-right: .25rem;
px2 padding-left: .5rem;
padding-right: .5rem;
px4 padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
px5 padding-left: 1.25rem;
padding-right: 1.25rem;
px6 padding-left: 1.5rem;
padding-right: 1.5rem;
px7 padding-left: 1.75rem;
padding-right: 1.75rem;
px8 padding-left: 2rem;
padding-right: 2rem;
px9 padding-left: 2.25rem;
padding-right: 2.25rem;
px10 padding-left: 2.5rem;
padding-right: 2.5rem;
px11 padding-left: 2.75rem;
padding-right: 2.75rem;
px12 padding-left: 3rem;
padding-right: 3rem;
px13 padding-left: 3.25rem;
padding-right: 3.25rem;
px14 padding-left: 3.5rem;
padding-right: 3.5rem;
px15 padding-left: 3.75rem;
padding-right: 3.75rem;
px16 padding-left: 4rem;
padding-right: 4rem;
px18 padding-left: 4.5rem;
padding-right: 4.5rem;
px20 padding-left: 5rem;
padding-right: 5rem;
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ts700 transition-duration: .7s;
ts1000 transition-duration: 1s;
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tsd300 transition-delay: .3s;
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tsd700 transition-delay: .7s;
tsd1000 transition-delay: 1s;
am animation: am 1s linear infinite;
amN animation: none;
x0 xP x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x18 x20 x22 x24 x26 x28 x30 x32 -xP -x1 -x2 -x3 -x4 -x5 -x6 -x7 -x8 -x9 -x10 -x11 -x12 -x13 -x14 -x15 -x16 -x18 -x20 -x22 -x24 -x26 -x28 -x30 -x32 x-3 x-6 x-9 x -x-3 -x-6 -x-9 -x y0 yP y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16 y18 y20 y22 y24 y26 y28 y30 y32 -yP -y1 -y2 -y3 -y4 -y5 -y6 -y7 -y8 -y9 -y10 -y11 -y12 -y13 -y14 -y15 -y16 -y18 -y20 -y22 -y24 -y26 -y28 -y30 -y32 y-3 y-6 y-9 y -y-3 -y-6 -y-9 -y xy ro0 ro45 ro90 ro135 ro180 -ro45 -ro90 -ro135 -ro180 s0 s50 s75 s90 s95 s100 s105 s110 s125 s150 sx0 sx50 sx75 sx90 sx95 sx100 sx105 sx110 sx125 sx150 sy0 sy50 sy75 sy90 sy95 sy100 sy105 sy110 sy125 sy150 kx0 kx1 kx2 kx3 kx6 kx12 -kx1 -kx2 -kx3 -kx6 -kx12 ky0 ky1 ky2 ky3 ky6 ky12 -ky1 -ky2 -ky3 -ky6 -ky12 --x: 0;
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ap appearance: none;
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