Extreme Cardinality Database
DB36 is a database for high cardinality data. Current stage is WIP, please do not use it, for any questions write an email to adastreamer@gmail.com.
make -j
# to recompile: clean and build
make recompile
docker run -it -v $PWD:/db36_c ubuntu bash
./bin/db36_test ./data/file 10 4 4 1
Some useful/debug commands
# Monitor sys calls
while true; do pid=$(pgrep 'tests/benchmark' | head -1); if [[ -n "$pid" ]]; then strace -s 2000 -vvtf -p "$pid"; break; fi; done
# cached pages for the file
fincore data/file
dd if=data/file iflag=nocache count=0
Docker build/run
docker build . -t db36
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/data:/db36_c/data --memory-swappiness=0 db36 ./bin/db36_test ./data/file 32 32 32 100000
# test build environment
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/db36_c gcc:12.2.0 bash