Git Cheatsheet

❤ Git is a distributed version control system that helps developers collaborate on projects of any scale.

What is a Distributed Version Control System?

  • A distributed version control system is a system that helps you keep track of changes you've made to files in your project.
  • This change history lives on your local machine and lets you revert to a previous version of your project with ease in case something goes wrong.
  • Git makes collaboration easy. Everyone on the team can keep a full backup of the repositories they're working on on their local machine. Then, thanks to an external server like BitBucket, GitHub or GitLab, they can safely store the repository in a single place.


[] Go to this website and simply click on the git for windows or mac as per your computer and just install it by clicking the next-next button. 😎

Commands 🐱‍👤

-- Initializing git Repository

git init <directory>

-- Seting up your Git username and email ID

git config --global "Avinash Gupta"
git config --global ""

-- Adding a file to the staging area in Git:

git add filename_here

'Suppose there are mutiple files then instead of adding files individually you can use '
git add .

-- Checking a repository's status in Git

git status

-- Commit changes in the editor in Git

git commit

'Now imagine a situation that you want to commit a change but you also want add some message with that, so that in future you must understand why you commited that message then use,'

git commit -m "you message here"

-- Your commit history

git log

-- Specific commit history

git show commit-id

-- Undoing commit

git revert <commit>

-- Creating new branch in the repository

git branch branch_name

'showing all the branches in the repository'
git branch

'Moving one branch to other'
git checkout branch_name

'Deleting a branch in Git'
git branch -d branch_name

'Merging two branches in Git'
git merge branch_name

-- Adding remote

git remote add <name> <url>

'Fetching a specific <branch>, from the repo. Leave off <branch>
to fetch all remote refs'
git fetch <remote> <branch>

'Fetching the specified remote’s copy of current branch and
immediately merge it into the local copy'
git pull <remote>

'Push the branch to <remote>, along with necessary commits and
objects. Creates named branch in the remote repo if it doesn’t exist'
git push <remote> <branch> 

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People are also requested to add more commands what you think is important and I have'nt added it you please git-add-those-commands.

Dhanyawad 🙏