
WebDav server with SQL backend

Primary LanguageC#


##what is it? WebDav server with SQL Backend.

Original code from TheHojuSaram

##How Do i use it? Some notes about setting this up.

  • I have moved from VS2005 to VS2010
  • you need to set the IIS App to Managed Pipeline Mode: Classic when running on Windows 7 (Only tested on 7, guess you should do it for Win2k8+ and Vista also...
  • Change the SQL connection in the Web.config to point at the correct SQL server.
  • to get the SQL server working, you manually need to run the Create.SQL file in the Database project.

NOTE: if you run this in Casini (VS IIS) and set it to use a virtual directory of just /, and view in browser, it seems to show all files. if you open CyberDuck and point to the local server, it will allow uploads and downloads... IIS full on my desktop is having problems... think there is a module causing problems.

##Future Plans?

  • Get it upgraded to run on a Windows 2012R2/8.1/10 box.
  • newer SQL server?
  • other backend storage options?