SNMP Power Monitor

What is it?

A simple and quick .NET 6 app that pulls current Watt usage from an SNMP device and allows it to be used with Home Assistant.

How does it work?

It uses .NET 6 and Lextm.SharpSnmpLib to call an SNMP device (APC PDU for me), pull a given record out (in my case, the current W usage), does some math to figure out the Watt Hours and writes it to a text file. It also logs the info. The text file can be served with NGinx (see docker-compose.yml file) and imported into Home Assistant.

How do i get it?

I need to push the real docker instance somewhere, but you can check this repo out and build it locally.

How do i use it?

Till i get the full docker side of things working, the following steps are required:

  • check out code
  • cd into the folder and run docker build . -t tiernano/snmppowermon.
  • edit the docker-compose to set the port of nginx as required.
  • rename the snmppowermon.env.example to snmppowermon.env and change the config as required
  • docker-compose up -d
  • in home assistant, edit the configuration.yml file and add the following:
  - platform: rest
    resource: http://<ip>:<port>/total.txt
    unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total_increasing
  • change the IP to the correct IP of your docker instance.

  • you may need a customize.yaml with the following:

  device_class: energy
  state_class: measurement
  • restart home assistant
  • in home assistant, go to settings, dashboards, energy and click "Add Consumption".
  • you should see the Rest Sensor. Select it and, if you have a known static price, select "use a static price" and enter it.
  • after an hour or so, you should start seeing data showing in there.
  • to do a bit more digging, go to developer tools, statistics and search for rest. You should see the kWh and Price units in there in somewhat real time.

Any issues, open a ticket.