
A CLI tool for multiple repos in Rush

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A CLI tool for managing multi repos in Rush. Monorepos seems to be quite a convenient way of managing complex projects. Having everything on a single repository, however, might end up being as cumbersome as handling just one single repository. In addition to that many projects start with a modular approach therefore migrating to a single repository might be problematic, especially with respect to repo merging and having to deal with external libraries which might need to be kept in sync regardless of the main repository.

Goats tries to solve these issues by bringing the best of the two worlds: a single code container split into multiple repositories. Most specifically Rush is used as the main system for keeping all the elements up to date, and reducing the cross-dependency hell. Goats aims at reducing the stress from all those repetitive tasks that multi repositories seems to suffer from, such as keeping in sync all the repositories, tracking dependencies and so on.

Bear in mind that this is obviously an experimental tool, therefore many things may change in the future.


The tool assumes that you already have configured your project.json file, and that you already have installed both rush and git on your system. The tool automatically create a rush.json that contains all the project that contains project.json.


$ npm i -g goats


In order to download all your repositories defined in Rush you will need to issue the init command and provide a base repository uri. Goat will create all the folders needed and clone the corresponding repositories. If a folder is already present goat will skip it.

$ goats init <repository> [-b [branch]]

If you want to git pull from all your repositories just issue a pull command in goat, which will scan all of your repositories and perform a pull.

$ goats refresh

If you want to perform a checkout on a specific branch in all repositories you should issue

$ goats checkout <branch>

If you want to start/finish a feature branch on a list of projects, you can you use the command

$ goats feature|ft start/finish <name> [projects...]

If you want to know the differences between your current branch and a specific branch you can use:

$ goats diff <baseBranch> [--show-changes]

For performing a link to an external library (which will subsequently link all the shared packages), you can use the link command

$ goats link <folder>

In addition to the standard commands you also have a convenient relay over the most basic rush commands so that you can just use goats for all your need

$ goats rebuild
$ goats install

To discover the version of a specif module inside every repository you can use the module command

$ goats module <name>

To discover the number of commit with a specific target you can use the find-commits command

$ goats find-commits <target>

To replace the version of a specif module inside every repository you can use the module command

$ goats module <name> --replace [version]

To discover the versions of every repository you can use the info command

$ goats info

To discover the latest version of a repository you can use the info command

$ goats info -p <project> -l

Last but not least, if you want to execute any command on any of your repositories (e.g. a gitflow start feature), you can use the convenient run command

$ goat run <command> [arguments...]

To run test for across all goats modules you can use the 'test' command.

$ goats test

Roadmap (proposal)

  • goats add <name> -d <dir> - Adds a new application in the given folder and changes rush.json accordingly

  • goats remove <name> - Removes the application from the rush.json

  • goats bump - Increments the version of any package given their gitflow status (patch for a hotfix branch, minor for a feature branch, nothing for everything else)

  • goats version [major|minor|patch] - done on a repository increments just that repository version

  • goats changelog - Updates the changelog on any repository

  • goats npm install|i <name> - adds a package to the package.json of the current project

  • goats npm uninstall|u <name> - removes a pachage to the package.json of the current project

  • Support multi repository modules

  • Support for hidden libraries

  • Extensibility mechanism (write your own goats commands)


Copyright 2017 Tierra SpA

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.