RPKI Publication Server
This is the RIPE NCC's implementation of [A Publication Protocol for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure] (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-weiler-sidr-publication) and [RPKI Repository Delta Protocol] (https://tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/draft-ietf-sidr-delta-protocol/).
Building the project
This project uses SBT. You also need Java 8 to build it. It has been tested with Oracle's JDK, but should work with other implementations as well.
Use sbt universal:packageZipTarball
to create a distribution archive from sources.
Running the server
Unpack the distribution archive into the directory of your choice.
Inspect conf/rpki-publication-server.default.conf file and update it according to your preferences.
Use bin/rpki-publication-server.sh script to start and stop the server:
$ bin/rpki-publication-server.sh start -c conf/my-server.conf
$ bin/rpki-publication-server.sh stop -c conf/my-server.conf
Configuring HTTPS for publication protocol
It is possible to use HTTPS for publication protocol, with or without client authentication.
To enable HTTPS for publication protocol, set publication.spray.can.server.ssl-encryption parameter to "on", and define publication.server.keystore.* properties.
To create self-signed server's certificate, use following commands:
- Generate the server key pair and certificate:
$ keytool -genkey -alias pub-server -keystore serverKeyStore.ks -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096
- Export server's certificate to a file (to be used by a client):
$ keytool -export -alias pub-server -keystore serverKeyStore.ks -rfc -file myServer.cert
- Import server's certificate into java client's keystore:
$ keytool -import -alias pub-server -file myServer.cert -keystore clientTrustStore.ks
NOTE: You have to use the same password for the key and for the keystore.
To enable client certificate validation on the publication server, set the publication.server.truststore.\* properties.
Use following commands to generate and install client's certificate into server's truststore:
- Generate client's key pair and certificate:
$ keytool -genkey -alias pub-client -keystore clientKeyStore.ks
- Export client's certficate:
$ keytool -export -alias pub-client -keystore clientKeyStore.ks -rfc -file aClient.cert
- Install client's certificate in the server's trust store:
$ keytool -import -alias pub-client -file aClient.cert -keystore serverTrustStore.ks
Running the docker container
docker build . -t rpki-publication-server
docker run -it \
-p 7766:7766 \
-p 7788:7788 \
-v `pwd`/ssl:/conf/ssl \
-e ENABLE_SSL=on \
-e KEYSTORE_PATH=/conf/ssl/serverKeyStore.ks \
-e TRUSTSTORE_PATH=/conf/ssl/serverTrustStore.ks \
--rm rpki-publication-server
Environment variables
* `DATABASE_PATH`: Path to the internal database (default: `/data/db`)
* `RRDP_REPOSITORY_PATH`: Path to RRDP data in container (default: `/data/rrdp`).
* `RRDP_REPOSITORY_URI`: Base URI of the RRDP repository.
* `KEYSTORE_PATH`: path of the keystore (on mounted volume)
* `KEYSTORE_PASSWORD`: keystore password.
* `TRUSTSTORE_PATH`: path of the truststore (on mounted volume)
* `TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD`: truststore password.