BAP is a platform for binary analysis. It is written in OCaml, but can be used from other languages.
BAP is released using opam
package manager. After you've successfully
installed opam, do the following:
$ opam init --comp=4.02.1
$ eval `opam config env`
$ opam install depext
$ opam depext bap
$ opam install bap
And if you're interested in python bindings, then you can install them using pip:
$ pip install git+git://
There're two ways to use BAP: compile your own stand-alone application, and use BAP library, or write a plugin, that can still use the library, but will also get an access to decompiled binary, as well as intergration with tools and other plugins. For the latter, write your plugin in OCaml using your favorite text editor :
$ cat
open Bap.Std let main project =
print_endline "Hello, World"
let () = Project.register_pass "hello-world" main
Next, build it with our bapbuild
$ bapbuild hello_world.plugin
After this you can load your plugin with -l
command line option, and
get an immediate access to the decompiled binary:
$ bap /bin/ls -lhello-world
can compile a standalone applications, not only plugins. In
fact, bapbuild
underneath the hood is an ocamlbuild
utility extended
with our rules an flags. To compile a standalone binary,
$ bapbuild mycoolprog.native
If bapbuild
complains that something is missing, make sure that you
didn't skip the Installation phase. You can add your
own dependencies with a -pkg
or -pkgs
command line options:
$ bapbuild -pkg lwt mycoolprog.native
If you use your own build environment, please make sure that you have
added bap
as a dependency. We install our libraries using
and you just need to add bap
to your project. For
example, if you use oasis
, then you should add bap
to the
field. If you are using ocamlbuild
with the
plugin, then you should add package(bap)
or pkg_bap
your _tags
It maybe a good idea to learn how to use our library by playing in an
OCaml top-level. If you have installed utop
, then you can just use
our baptop
script to run utop
with bap
$ baptop
Now, you can play with BAP. For example:
utop # open Bap.Std;;
utop # let d = disassemble_file "/bin/ls";;
val d : t = <abstr>
utop # let insn = Disasm.insn_at_addr d (Addr.of_int32 0xa9dbl);;
val insn : (mem * insn) option = Some (0000a9d8: 01 00 00 0a , beq #0x4; Bcc(0x4,0x0,CPSR))
let blk = Disasm.blocks d |> Table.elements |> Seq.hd_exn;;
val blk : block = [991c, 9923]
utop # Block.leader blk;;
- : insn = push {r3, lr}; STMDB_UPD(SP,SP,0xe,Nil,R3,LR)
utop # Block.terminator blk |> Insn.bil;;
- : Bap_types.Std.bil = [LR = 0x9924:32; jmp 0x9ED4:32]
If you do not want to use baptop
or utop
, then you can execute the following
in any OCaml top-level:
# #use "topfind";;
# #require "";;
# open Bap.Std;;
And everything should work just out of box, i.e. it will load all the dependencies, install top-level printers, etc.
After BAP and python bindings are properly installed, you can start to use it:
>>> import bap
>>> print '\n'.join(insn.asm for insn in bap.disasm("\x48\x83\xec\x08"))
decl %eax
subl $0x8, %esp
A more complex example:
>>> img = bap.image('coreutils_O0_ls')
>>> sym = img.get_symbol('main')
>>> print '\n'.join(insn.asm for insn in bap.disasm(sym))
push {r11, lr}
add r11, sp, #0x4
sub sp, sp, #0xc8
... <snip> ...
For more information, read builtin documentation, for example with
>>> bap?
Bap is shipped with bap
utility that can disassemble files, and
printout dumps in different formats, including plain text, json, dot,
html. The example of bap
output is:
0000a004: 04 b0 2d e5 str r11, [sp, #-4]! ; STR_PRE_IMM(SP,R11,SP,0xfffffffc,0xe,Nil)
0000a008: 00 b0 8d e2 add r11, sp, #0x0 ; ADDri(R11,SP,0x0,0xe,Nil,Nil)
0000a00c: 0c d0 4d e2 sub sp, sp, #0xc ; SUBri(SP,SP,0xc,0xe,Nil,Nil)
0000a010: 00 30 a0 e1 mov r3, r0 ; MOVr(R3,R0,0xe,Nil,Nil)
0000a014: 05 30 4b e5 strb r3, [r11, #-5] ; STRBi12(R3,R11,0xfffffffb,0xe,Nil)
0000a018: 05 30 5b e5 ldrb r3, [r11, #-5] ; LDRBi12(R3,R11,0xfffffffb,0xe,Nil)
0000a01c: 03 00 a0 e1 mov r0, r3 ; MOVr(R0,R3,0xe,Nil,Nil)
0000a020: 00 d0 8b e2 add sp, r11, #0x0 ; ADDri(SP,R11,0x0,0xe,Nil,Nil)
0000a024: 00 08 bd e8 ldm sp!, {r11} ; LDMIA_UPD(SP,SP,0xe,Nil,R11)
0000a028: 1e ff 2f e1 bx lr ; BX_RET(0xe,Nil)
begin(to_uchar) {
mem := mem with [SP - 0x4:32, el]:u32 <- R11
SP := SP - 0x4:32
R11 := SP
SP := SP - 0xC:32
R3 := R0
mem := mem with [R11 - 0x5:32, el]:u8 <- low:8[R3]
temp_2303 := mem[R11 - 0x5:32, el]:u8
R3 := pad:32[temp_2303]
R0 := R3
SP := R11
orig_base_2309 := SP
R11 := mem[orig_base_2309, el]:u32
SP := SP + 0x4:32
jmp LR
Also we're shipping a bap-mc
executable that can disassemble
arbitrary strings and output them in a plethora of formats. Read
bap-mc --help
for more information. bap-byteweight
utility can be
used to evaluate our byteweight
algorithm for finding symbols inside
the binary. It is also a supporting toolkit for byteweight
infrastructure, it can download, create and install binary signatures,
used for identification.
BAP exposes most of its functionality using JSON
-based RPC protocol,
Public API Draft
doument. The protocol is implemented by bap-server
program that is
shipped with bap by default. You can talk with server using HTTP
protocol, or extend it with any other transporting protocol you would
We're always welcome for any contributions. If you want to add new code, or fix a bug, feel free to clone us, and create a pull request.
But BAP can also be extended in a non invasive way, using plugin
system. That means, that you can use bap
library, to extend the
library! See our
blog for more
Other than API documentation, we have blog and wiki, where you can find some useful information. Also, we have a permanently manned chat in case of emergency. Look at the badge on top of the README file, and feel free to join.
Please see the LICENSE
file for licensing information.