This is the code release accompanying the paper Class-Conditional Conformal Prediction with Many Classes


  title={Class-Conditional Conformal Prediction with Many Classes},
  author={Ding, Tiffany and Angelopoulos, Anastasios N and Bates, 
          Stephen and Jordan, Michael I and Tibshirani, Ryan J},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09335},


First, create a virtual environment and install the necessary packages by running

conda create --name env
conda activate env
pip install -r requirements.txt

To make the environment accessible from Jupyter notebooks, run

ipython3 kernel install --user --name=conformal_env

This adds a kernel called conformal_env to your list of Jupyter kernels.

Download the datasets by running


which will create a folder called data/ and download the data described in the following section.

Data description

  1. imagenet (4.62 GB): (115301, 1000) array of softmax scores and (115301,) array of labels
  2. cifar-100 (0.01 GB): (30000, 100) array of softmax scores and (30000,) array of labels
  3. places365 (0.54 GB): (183996, 365) array of softmax scores and (183996,) array of labels
  4. inaturalist (6.72 GB): (1324900, 633) array of softmax scores and (1324900,) array of labels

The code for training models on the raw datasets to produce the softmax scores is located in generate_scores/

Running Clustered Conformal

See example.ipynb for an example of how to run clustered conformal prediction.

Reproducing our experiments

Run sh to run our main set of experiments. Run sh for experiments that test the sensitivity of clustered conformal to the hyperparameter values. To view the main results, run jupyter notebook from Terminal, then run the notebooks in the notebooks/ directory.