NetConstruct Developer Assessment


We would like you to create a blog post page using the provided solution, example HTML and wireframes. The data to be displayed should be obtained from the included JSON file. Where asked to save data, this should be saved back to the JSON file.

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate:

  1. ASP.NET MVC skills
  2. Controllers and methods/routing
  3. Basic CSS skills and recreating a visual
  4. Ability to use a CSS framework (e.g. bootstrap) with a responsive layout
  5. Retrieving and persisting data
  6. Creating a service layer and demonstrating SOLID principles
  7. Form input and validation (both client and server side)
  8. ReactJS knowledge – demonstrate the ability to incorporate React into an existing solution and use where appropriate

The provided solution contains a template.html file and a Blog-Posts.json, found within in the App_Data and Assets/Html folders. The template.html includes some skeleton HTML code which will be used throughout the exercises. The Blog-Posts.json file contains mock blog post data in JSON format, this will again be used throughout the exercises when required to read/write data.


In order to run the provided solution the following software will need to be installed:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 here.
  • .NET Framework 4.8 SDK here.

Once the prerequisites are installed the '/src/NetC.JuniorDeveloperExam.sln' file should be opened using Visual Studio and run via IIS Express.

The completed solution MUST be delivered by a Github repository.

Exercise 1

Create an MVC view containing the blog post content, use the HTML found within the template.html file as the page layout.

Using the provided JSON file, replace the section marked <!—Blog post content--> with content found in the Blog-Posts.json file.

Load in specific blog post from the JSON file, based on blog post ID (via MVC routing and appropriate controller actions) Example: /blog/1/, /blog/2/, /blog/<ID>/ etc....

All handling of the JSON file should done by a service class and injected into the controller (please add any Nuget libraries you need to support this). Also, caching techniques should be introduced to optimise any read/write operations to the JSON file.

Exercise 2

Display a list of blog post comments that are related to the blog post, obtained from the JSON file. Add this to the section marked <!—Blog post comments-->

Exercise 3

Add a comment form to the section marked <!—Blog post comment form--> that a user can use to submit a comment that is stored against the blog post item (within the Blogpost JSON).

Form fields:

  • Name (required field)
  • Email address (required field)
  • Comment (required field)

Exercise 4

Add the ability to reply to a comment, save the reply in the appropriate location of the JSON file, and display underneath the comment the user has replied to.

Optional task: If you have time you can incorporate a file upload facility allowing each comment to attach files. The files should be stored separately to the JSON file but a reference to the file should be captured in the JSON file.

Good luck!