
Bulma extension to make Mega Menus

Primary LanguageCSS


Works with the current latest version 0.7.5


Bulma extension to make Mega Menu.

Click here for Codepen Demo



<nav class="navbar ">

 <div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable is-mega">
        <div class="navbar-link">
        <div id="blogDropdown" class="navbar-dropdown">
          <div class="container is-fluid">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column">
                <h1 class="title is-6 is-mega-menu-title">Sub Menu Title</h1>
                <a class="navbar-item" href="/2017/08/03/list-of-tags/">
                  <div class="navbar-content">
                      <small class="has-text-info">03 Aug 2017</small>
                    <p>New feature: list of tags</p>
                <a class="navbar-item" href="/2017/08/03/list-of-tags/">
                  <div class="navbar-content">
                      <small class="has-text-info">03 Aug 2017</small>
                    <p>New feature: list of tags</p>
                <a class="navbar-item" href="/2017/08/03/list-of-tags/">
                  <div class="navbar-content">
                      <small class="has-text-info">03 Aug 2017</small>
                    <p>New feature: list of tags</p>
              <div class="column">...</div>
              <div class="column">...</div>
              <div class="column">...</div>


  • Clone the bulma repo
  • Under the sass folder, create a new folder called extensions
  • In this new folder, create a new file megamenu.scss
  • Copy the code from the bulma-megamenu repo's megamenu.scss file into your new file
  • In the same folder create a new file _all.sass (this is not required, but will help when you add more extensions)
  • In this file add this code:
@charset "utf-8"

@import "megamenu.scss"

At the end of the bulma.sass file, add this line: @import "sass/extensions/_all"

Now, you can just build the bulma project with npm run build, and the output will be available in the css folder.

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