
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js & MySQL


An Amazon-like storefront using Node.js and MySQL. The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store’s inventory.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


NPM packages used for this project:

Node APM Description
MySQL https://www.npmjs.com/package/mysql
Inquirer https://www.npmjs.com/package/inquirer


mySQL tables
  • Product Table producttable
  • Department Table


Node terminal
  • Customer View customerview
  • Manager View 1 managerview1
  • Manager View 2 managerview2
  • Supervisor View 1 supervisorview1
  • Supervisor View 2 supervisorview2

Customer View

  • Prints the products in the store.

  • Prompts customer which product they would like to purchase by ID number.

  • Asks customer how many they would like to purchase. If there is a sufficient amount in stock, it will return the total for that purchase. If there is not enough of the product in stock, it will tell the user that there isn’t enough of the productis insufficient inventory.

  • If the purchase is successful, the quantity will be reflected in the database.

Manager View

  • Create a new Node application called bamazonManager.js. Running this application will:

    • List a set of menu options:

      • View Products for Sale

      • View Low Inventory

      • Add to Inventory

      • Add New Product

    • If a manager selects View Products for Sale, the app should list every available item: the item IDs, names, prices, and quantities.

    • If a manager selects View Low Inventory, then it should list all items with an inventory count lower than five.

    • If a manager selects Add to Inventory, your app should display a prompt that will let the manager "add more" of any item currently in the store.

    • If a manager selects Add New Product, it should allow the manager to add a completely new product to the store.

Supervisor View

This app will start with a menu asking the manager to:

  • View Product Sales by Department
    Display the `total_profit` which should be calculated on the fly using the difference between `over_head_costs` and `product_sales`. 
   `total_profit` should not be stored in any database.
  • Create New Department